"I should be the one saying sorry. I wanted you to go out. I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you. But if not-" he was cut off by a sob. "You did it in order to not lose more friends. I understand that. You don't need to say sorry. I would've done the same thing." I continued what he was about to say.

"No. I should've trusted you. You're my friend, Ji-ji. I'm sorry okay? I love you. And no offense, but I know you wouldn't do the same thing. You're just saying that to make me feel better." He said, hugging me. I hugged back. "It's okay. Really. I love you, too. And I'm going to do my best to protect all of you."

After that, I saw Su-hyeok approaching us. "So, you two okay now?" He asked. "Yes. How about the two of you?" I asked him. "Yes, we already talked earlier. So, stop saying sorry." Su-hyeok told me, about to ruffle my hair but I caught his hand, making him laugh.

"I'm going to let you two talk." Cheong-san said before leaving. "I'm happy we're okay now. Before you talk, stop saying sorry. It wasn't your fault. None of it was your fault." He told me.

"Hey. I know we just started talking again, but can I ask you a favor?" I asked, looking down. "Sure. Anything." He immediately said. 

"If in case something happens to me...if I turn, please take care of Nam-ra. I know you two talk, or at least, you try to talk to her. Out of all of you guys, I feel comfortable asking you. If in case something happens to me...if I -if I turn. Please make sure Nam-ra would never feel alone. That she has friends with her. I know On-jo will also never leave her, they seem closer now." I said, fighting down the tears.

"Umm, anything but that?" Su-hyeok said but I jokingly glared at him. "Hey. Look at me, Hwang Hye-ji." He said, holding my shoulders and facing me towards him. "You're not leaving Nam-ra. And you are not turning. I'll be her friend, but you will be there for her as well. You understand me?" He said.

Just then, I heard Gwi-nam. He's back.

3rd person's POV

"On-jo!" Hyun-jin yelled. He started running towards Gwi-nam. But he was no match for Gwi-nam's strength. Seeing her brother being pinned down, Hye-ji felt like she was pinned on the ground. She can't move.

Everyone can hear Hyun-jin's yell as Gwi-nam was trying to get his eye out. Hye-ji knelt down, covering her ears. She can hear it so clearly, her twin's cry of pain.

On-jo was the first one to try to push Gwi-nam away, since she is the closest, but Gwi-nam just pushed her away. Ji-min and Hyo-ryeong helping the girl up.

Nam-ra then looked at where Hye-ji was talking to Su-hyeok just a while ago. Seeing the girl on the floor, covering her ears. She rushed towards her.

Su-hyeok kicked Gwi-nam off of Hyun-jin. Cheong-san quickly helping the president up as Su-hyeok and Gwi-nam started fighting. But Gwi-nam is still stronger. He kicked Su-hyeok into a stack of chairs. Cheong-san rushed towards him, seeing as Dae-su and Wu-jin is now holding the president.

Gwi-nam roamed his eyes around the rooftop. What caught his attention is Hye-ji kneeling on the floor and covering her ears. He was about to walk towards her, in concern but Dae-su spoke, stopping him.

"Who the hell are you? You come from the One Heart Club?" Dae-su asked. "You don't know me? How the fuck do you not know me?" Gwi-nam asked.

"I know you. I said it many times before. You're the bully's gopher." Hyun-jin said. "If you call me that again, I'll kill you." Gwi-nam said. "You weren't a gangster and you definitely weren't a good student. And now you're not a human and you're not a zombie either. No matter the time or place, you're nothing." Hyun-jin said.

"I won't just kill you. I'll gouge out both of your eyes and feed your blind ass to the zombies. I won't care if you're Hye-ji's brother." He said before looking around.

"Or I'll give you a deal. I'll let you go, forget about everything, but give me Hye-ji." He said with a smile. "No fucking way asshole." Hyun-jin said, his blood boiling of anger making Gwi-nam smirk, already anticipating that answer.

"Everyone but Hyun-jin can go. Unless you wanna die with him." He said but no one moved to leave. "You're all dead." He said before he started attacking again. All the boys tried to stop Gwi-nam, but he is too strong for them. It was a losing game between all of them versus Gwi-nam.

Protect them. You know you can. Help them.

Hye-ji heard a voice in her head. She slowly stood up, her bones cracking. "Stay here." She told Nam-ra before walking. She then picked up a wood from the bonfire and attacked Gwi-nam with it.

Gwi-nam turned to look at her. "Get away from here Hye-ji-ah. I don't want you to get hurt." He said but Hye-ji punched him in the face. This angered him, making him hold her neck before slapping her, hard, making her fall to the floor. "Stay there, please." He said before turning away.

But Hye-ji didn't stop there. She stabbed the remaining piece of wood to Gwi-nam's legs. He pulled it out. "I already said please, Hye-ji-ah, you know I don't say it, so just stay here." Gwi-nam said but Hye-ji punched him again. They continued fighting, as much as Gwi-nam hated to hurt her.

"You smell nice, huh." He said, but Hye-ji pushed him. "Asshole." She said punching Gwi-nam for the third time tonight while Gwi-nam was backing away.

"That's for Hyun-jin."

*punch* "That's for Su-hyeok and the others you hurt here."

*punch* "That's for Min Eun-ji!"

*punch* "That's for Na-yeon, you asshole!"

One of the first thing she noticed when Gwi-nam reached the rooftop was the blood on Gwi-nam's face. It smelt like Na-yeon.

She was about to punch him again, but this time, Gwi-nam caught her hand. "You and me are on the same side. Smell me." He said, holding Hye-ji's neck and pulling her close to let her smell him.

"I will never smell a piece of shit." She said pushing Gwi-nam to the ground. Just then, Su-hyeok attacked Gwi-nam again. But Gwi-nam pinned him at the end of the rooftop. Hye-ji took this as a chance to push Gwi-nam over.

They heard a loud thud, signaling that Gwi-nam had already reached the ground. Nam-ra rushed to Hye-ji. Checking her for any injuries or wounds (there's a lot of wounds). Hye-ji looked at her knuckles, seeing it covered with blood. Her bruised knuckled made Nam-ra frown. Hye-ji didn't want to hurt anyone, but she needed to stop Gwi-nam.

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