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Ben and Mal rode his bike to the forest. He parked it and they walked along until we came to a bridge in the sky.

While we walked along, Ben said, "Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone."

Mal thought for a moment. "Um... My middle name is Bertha."

Ben bit back a laugh. "Bertha?"



They stopped and looked out at the sights below. "Just my mom doing what she does best. Being really, really evil. Mal Bertha."

Ben smiled. "Mine's Florian."

She faced him. "Florian?"


"How princely. Oh, that's almost worse."

They continued walking as Ben said, "I mean, you know, it's better than Bertha. But it's still not..." They got to the end of the bridge and he took my hands. "Watch your foot. Yeah. Are you good?"

Mal nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Now step up." She did as he told her and closed her eyes. "There go go. You ready?"

She nodded again. "Mm-hmm."


Mal opened her eyes to see a little gazebo set up for their date next to a lake. Ben smiled. "Go on."

Ben turned to see Edward and Kiara. "Hey, guys."

Edward waved. "Hi."

Mal made her way down and Ben, Kiara and Edward followed. They sat down for their double date picnic and immediately, Mal grabbed and ate a jelly donut.

"Mm..." Mal said as she started licking her fingers.

Ben, who was laying across from Mal, asked, "Is this your first time?"

"Mm... We don't really date much on the island. Not even Kia and Ed, though everyone can see how much they like each other. It's more like..." She took a moment to think of the right words. "Gang activity."

Ben laughed awkwardly. "Um, I meant, is this your first time eating a jelly donut?"

As she continued to kick her fingers, she asked, "Is it bad?"

Ben leaned closer to her. "You got a..." He brought his thumb to her lips. "Just a...I mean, yeah, do this." He licked his lips and Mal repeated the motion. "Mm-hmm."

"Gone?" Ben nodded. "You can't take me anywhere, I guess."

"You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn. I really don't know that much about you. Tell me something."

"Well, I'm 16. I'm an only child. And I've only ever lived in one place."

Ben smiled. "Me too. That... we have so much in common already."

Mal shook her head. "No. Trust me, we do not. And now you're gonna be king."



"A crown doesn't make you a king."

"Well, it kind of does."

"No, it... Your mother is mistress of evil and I've got the poster parents for goodness. Kiara's father is called mad and Edward's mom beheaded people. But we're not automatically like them. We get to choose who we're gonna be. And right now, I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil. I can see it."

Kiara narrowed her eyes slightly. "Do you think my father's mad?"

Ben shook his head. "No, I think he's misunderstood. The way you talk about him, he sounds like a great guy."

"He's the best."

Edward nodded. "I can confirm. Kia's dad is probably the best person on the island. Well, maybe apart from Kia."

Kiara's cheeks flushed and she looked away awkwardly.

Ben suddenly said, "Let's go for a swim."

Mal's eyes widened. "Hm? What? Uh... right now?"

He nodded and stripped down to his shorts. "Yeah, right now."

The VKs didn't move. "I think I'm just gonna stay here."

"No, no, no. Come on." Ben offered his hand.

"I think I'm gonna stay behind and try a strawberry before." Mal picked one up and put one in her mouth. "Mm!" She looked down at it as her eyes widened. "Mm..."

Kiara grabbed one and ate it. "This is amazing! Ed, you have to try one."

Ed smiled. "Maybe later."

Ben laughed. "Don't eat all of them, okay?"

"Okay. Mm." Mal noticed his shorts and called out, "Are those little crowns on your shorts?"

He smirked. "Maybe." He let out a roar and jumped into the water. "Whoo! Ha ha!"

As they watched Ben, Mal's thoughts drifted.

Edward went to the edge of the water and sat down. He pulled off his socks and shoes, then dipped his feet in the water. He motioned for Kiara to join him and she shook her head, excitedly holding up a strawberry.

[If Only]

Mal and Kiara noticed that Ben and Edward had disappeared and panicked. "Ben? Ed? Ben? Ed? Ben! Ed!"

The girls jumped into the water and made their way deeper in. It got deeper and they struggled to stay above the water. Ben and Edward appeared and carried them back onto the gazebo.

Mal glared at Ben. "Ugh! You scared me!"

He frowned. "You... you can't swim?"


"You live on an island!"

"Yeah, with a barrier around it, remember? Ugh! Edward found a secret pool that he never told us about."

Edward shrugged. "I am my mother's son. I can tell you guys where it is."

Ben grinned. "And you still tried to save me."

"Yeah," Mal said. "And do you thank me? No! All I get is soaking wet!"

"And, uh, this fancy rock." Ben said, picking up a glowing white rock. "It's yours. Make a wish and throw it back in the lake."

Mal frowned and angrily tossed it into the lake. She stood and Ben placed a towel around her shoulders. He sat down next to her and ran a hand through my hair.

She noticed Ben staring at her weirdly. "What..."

"Uh, Mal... I told you that I loved you. What about you? Do you love me?"

"I don't know what love feels like." She looked away from him.

Ben placed a hand under her chin and turned her head to face him. "Maybe I can teach you."

A short distance away, Kiara was sitting by Edward with a towel around her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded and said, "Why'd you leave me knowing I can't swim?"

"I'm sorry, Kia."

She gave a slow nod, then asked, "What is love?"

Edward shook his head. "I don't know. But I'd like to find out."

Kiara met his eyes. "I'd like to find out too. I think. But I'm scared."

"I am too. But we'll figure it out together, Kiara."

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