Nam-ra...Why do you smell so good?

Nam-ra turned to the girl, feeling her stare. As she looked at Hye-ji, she noticed her eyes. "Hye-ji..." Hye-ji pulled Nam-ra closer to her.

"Nam-ra!" Cheong-san yelled, advancing forward but the three guys stopping him. Wow. The great wall of Hye-ji's brothers.

"Get out of the way." Cheong-san said. "Stop it." Su-hyeok told him but Cheong-san tried harder but Su-hyeok pinned him to a table.

"I said stop it!" Su-hyeok said, raising his fist but he can't do it. He can't hurt Cheong-san. "Stupid asshole." Cheong-san said as he punched Su-hyeok.

Hye-ji fell forward, dropping to the floor as the two continued to fight. Hyun-jin held Su-hyeok off and Dae-su held Cheong-san.

Nam-ra wrapped her arms around Hye-ji. She will never let anything happen to her. On-jo stepped in front of Cheong-san as Su-hyeok held Cheong-san back.

"Stop it. Are you blind? Look at Hye-ji. She would have blood on her mouth if she bit him." On-jo said calming Cheong-san a little. "Does she?" On-jo said before holding Nam-ra's wrist and pulling her up. Wu-jin acted quick and put his arms on Hye-ji, protective.

The class president glared at On-jo for pulling her up. But On-jo didn't mind. She then pushed Nam-ra's hair to her back, showing her neck. Nam-ra was about to push On-jo's hand off but the girl continued talking.

"And She's not bleeding, right?" She said, so Nam-ra understood where this was going. "It's true. There's no wound." Dae-su confirmed.

"But if Gwi-nam bit her-" Cheong-san started. "She's fine, which means you'll be fine. All of us will." On-jo cut him off. Cheong-san visibly calmed down. He looked back at Su-hyeok who was restraining him through a back hug.

"Let go." He said but Su-hyeok didn't. "I got it. Let go. Fuck." He said forcing his way out of Su-hyeok's hold.

On-jo knelt down beside Hye-ji, Wu-jin already let her go after seeing that Cheong-san has calmed down. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Thank you, On-jo. My brother is lucky." She said, whispering the last sentence but On-jo heard it. "What's wrong is wrong." She said, patting the girl's head before standing up.

"She's fine." Wu-jin said. "She would've definitely turned by now." Joon-young added.

"No." Hye-ji said standing up, attracting everyone's attention. "I'm not okay. I wanted to bite Nam-ra." She said, truthfully. "That's not true. Stop that." Hyun-jin said. "How can you even know, you're not looking at us, idiot." Hye-ji said.

"But, it's true. I really did. I wanted to bite her." She said. "What do you mean by that?" Cheong-san questioned. "I mean...I wanted to bite her." She said as the others looked down, trying to stop their tears.

"I shouldn't stay with you any longer. If I hadn't come to my senses, I would've bitten her." She added. "Hey come on, stop that. What's wrong with you?" Su-hyeok said, stopping the girl from talking. "I'll go." She said, not minding what Su-hyeok said.

"Please wait." On-jo said. "If Hyun-jin really saw Gwi-nam get bitten by zombies. But he didn't see him turn, right?" She said, facing Hyun-jin. "No, I didn't. I was busy running." He answered truthfully. "And the two of you fought him. Maybe Gwi-nam was bitten, but was not affected. In movies, there are always people who are immune, remember?" On-jo continued.

"Still, she tried to bite her. She could've bitten him for real. Regardless, she isn't normal. So I'm not going with her." Ji-min argued. "Ji-min, stop." On-jo said.

"What? Are you saying that I'm wrong?" Ji-min said. "Maybe. I really don't know what we should do." On-jo answered. "We can't pretend she's fine. She's one of them." Ji-min said.

"Enough!" Hye-ji said, stopping the two. "Please don't fight." She said with a shaky voice before looking at Ji-min.

"Leaving will solve everything." She said as she started walking towards the door. On-jo and the others following her.

"Don't go. Where would you go?" On-jo said, pulling the girl. But Hye-ji still continued to struggle against On-jo's grasp. "Stop it. Please." On-jo said, tears falling from her eyes. With the sight of On-jo's tears, Hye-ji stopped moving.

"I can't lose you too, please. I don't want anyone dying." On-jo said, moving her hands from Hye-ji's wrist to her hands. "Hyeon-ju and I-sak. Their hands were very cold before they turned." She said before turning to face everyone.

"Hye-ji's hands are warm. She isn't a zombie. So cut it out, and let's talk how to get to the roof." On-jo continued. "No!." Ji-min said. "Ji-min!"

"No way! She may be fine now, but who knows what's gonna happen when she turns. Guys, say something. This is wrong. She said herself that she wanted to bite her. She has zombie blood in her veins. Zombies killed my mom and dad. My mom..." She said, looking at everyone who is either looking at Hye-ji or looking down.

The room became silent after that, but that silence was broken when someone spoke.

"Hey. Give me your hand."


~And another one. Who do you think it is?~

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