𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 - 14

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Unknown's pov

"She should start with her magic, when she turns 16, your highness." The  'infamous' teacher said.

"Make an exception for hale, please! She shouldn't know about our family's secret until she turns 18." The queen wrote in a voice note.

"But she should've known about our kind since the day she started walking!" The teacher all but cried out aloud.

The little girl playing across the palace garden was oblivious to the world, fate has chosen for her. Her little giggles could be heard all around the palace corridors.

The wind picked around her, when she started crying, this child can become to be a goddess or make her the devil.

Once her power activates, she can even rule the world if she wants.

The king was putting protective barriers around the palace gates, the little one's safety is his whole priority. His only daughter could either become the devil's child and rule every dimension or she could maintain peace in all of the dimensions that exist.

It all depends upon the path she chooses.

Behind the palace walls, the wicked rionard family, were planning on getting the throne.

Jessica was playing with her cousin  adrien and Olivia, in the Fleur joyeuse.

On the other hand, bryce and asher were learning about their kind.

Everybody was having fun except for hale, she had no friends growing up, except for one of the maid's daughter, anastasia.

For hale, anastasia was everything she could've ever asked for.

As the days went by, hale was protected. But the same couldn't be said for the king and queen.

While, hale was sound asleep, the king and queen were attacked by none other then the rionard family.

Hale couldn't know about anything and was sent off to live with anastasia's family.

It wasn't long before they started to hate her. Everything did a 180 turn and hale was to blame.

Hale started to go to a human school and was taught to always protect people who are weak.

Tears are a sign of weakness.

Whenever hale felt like it wasn't going to get worse she got stuck in a group of werewolves.

Adrien, her beloved boyfriend. Who she thought was the best thing that happened to her turned out to be the worst.

No one could even imagine the things that happened to her.

If it were a human in place of her, they'd already be dead.

Thanking the powers that hale had, she's still alive.

The healing of a werewolf, the magic of a witch, the speed of a vampire, the beauty of a pixie and the strength of a monster, hale was gifted with all of these and many other supernatural stuff that we still don't know about.

If it was her wish, she'd even burn the hell down, yet she chose the path of peace and happiness.

But as for her luck, it didn't go all sunshine and rainbows, she suffered. And she wouldn't get peace and happiness, until she makes the people suffer, who pained her.

They took her parents, her kingdom, her happiness, her childhood, her innocence from her.

"She will change everything" a voice whispered.

The queen broke into tears, she can see the future, but she can't change it, she saw her accident, the planning of the rionard, grem and king family.

She saw everything, even the death of her daughter, hale. Yet she couldn't do anything.

She was dying inside, yet she couldn't share her pain.

Why can't she do anything?

The queen of the witch kingdom, couldn't even save her first child and now she's failing to protect her only child left?

She was gifted but there's always a twist. She couldn't control her own words.

She was cursed.

Her body wanted to scream to everyone's face about what will happen, but the gods have taken away her voice from her.

She could easily write down everything in a note, but the gods controlled her movements.

The witch queen was controlled.

The king was oblivious to everything, his only priority were his wife and daughter and his werewolf kingdom.

Many creatures didn't like the fact that the greece family had everything, a werewolf kingdom, a witch kingdom and the vampire and pixie kingdom.

They were born rulers.

But they didn't know what actually happens inside the palace walls, the danger lurking around every corner was unbearable, but when hale was kidnapped the week she was born infuriated the king and the queen.

The gods made an exception, they saved hale from the demon souls.

And since that day she was protected, she was like a little rose.

A fragile child, but the things she could do we're unimaginable.

She wasn't a fragile rose that couldn't protect herself, she was the thorn that would shed blood but save everyone.

But there's a saying
“Never blame the rose for something the thorn did.


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