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Exams approached quickly, all students at Moordale Secondary were focused on getting the best grades. That included the group of friends who would prepare weekly leading up to their senior exams. Although once they took their final maths exam they would have to wait the rest of the summer to get their results back.

This meant that the seniors were able to relax now their schooling was finished. They could prepare for graduation and their senior formal that would follow. As a celebration of finishing their exams, the group of four enjoy a night at Adam's mother's home. She had prepared dinner for the group of a pasta dish, one of Adam's favourites. 

That evening Adam's father Michael Groff would knock at the door asking for his son. He had a present for the news he had completed in exams. He had always been worried his son would never get this opportunity, past Adam wouldn't have even shown up for exam day. "Hi, Adam." Mr Groff would awkwardly mention. "You're mother informed me you completed your exams."

"Yeah," Adam confirms. "They were a bitch to prepare for."

Mr Groff just nods, he never liked his children cursing. Yet he had no control over his son, he was now an adult but he was also proving himself to mature. "Well congratulations, I am proud of you Adam." there is a genuine smile from his father. "I got you a small present."

He hands over a small box to his son. "Thanks...dad." Adam thanks his father and pulls him in for a small hug. With a final nod, Mr Groff would farewell his son.

Walking back into the house Adam notices his friends pretending not to have eavesdropped on the interaction with his father. "So who was at the door?" Otis asks.

Adam rolls his eyes. "You lot know who was there." He mentions before opening the box, there is a small smile on his mother's face watching him. Inside was a visa gift card and a new passport, Adam had forgotten his current passport was about to expire. "How did he know I was going to leave?"

His mother admits she had told him. "He wanted to get you something small, we went halves on renewing your passport for you." She explains to her son. "We weren't expecting you to go to college straight away so we wanted to put it towards your gap year."

It was a nice gesture for Adam, he never thought there would be rewards for him finishing high school. He expected his life to turn out in a dead-end job for the rest of his existence. It was only recently he thought he was worth more than what had been handed to him growing up, however, it was up to him to have to motivation to change.

The graduation ceremony was something for the seniors to enjoy for their end of schooling. Of course, some students that did fail their exams may have to return next semester to make up for lost grades. What followed was the senior formal. 

It was a surprise for the boys to see what both Ruby and Aimee would be wearing for the formal, so they snuck off to Ruby's home to get ready. She wanted her father to witness being the first to see her in the dress. That left the boys at Adam's home, spending the afternoon gaming before getting into their rented suits for the evening. 

Amiee had decided on styling her hair by pinning back half her hair with silver clips, wanting to keep the focus on her dress. Her makeup although light had tones of rose gold in her eyeshadow and a bright shade of lip colour.

Ruby pulled her hair back into a low, loose ponytail and curled the ends. She had a more bold makeup look with a bright red lipstick staining her lips since her dress was plain. Both girls wore silver heels they had found in a clearance store on their venture to the city. "Well, we look hot." Aimee comments with both girls pleased with their appearance looking in the small mirror Ruby had in her bedroom.

Ruby announces to her parents that they were ready. Aimee's parents had also been invited over before the boys would arrive. Both the sets of parents are in awe of the sight of the girls dressed up. Many compliments and photographs are thrown around before the boys arrive with Adam's mother present. She had convinced the boys to purchase corsages, which was winning photographs for the teenager's parents to watch the boys practice being gentlemen. 

Looking at the time Ruby notices they would be late if they mucked around more, in honesty she was sick of being embarrassed by the adults. The teenagers escape the clutches of their parents and are given to the school hall which had been decorated for the senior formal.

Getting out of the rented limo Adam grabs Aimee's hand, with Otis following the same gesture, pulling Ruby close to him. "Ready?" Otis asks his girlfriend, who nods eagerly as the group walk side by side into the hall. The rest of the senior group are looking back at them.

This included Maeve, who wore a navy dress handed to her from Olivia's closet. The girl didn't have many other options, although it matched the navy suit that Eric wore. "Well they clean up nicely, don't they?" He mutters with a pleased smirk. Without the mention of what they had done to Ruby, they were able to get away with a crime.

"We're not having any drama tonight," Anwar mentions quietly.

His face is serious looking back at Eric. This was one of his last high school experiences and he didn't want it ruined due to Eric's choices. The group didn't want to associate with Eric and his goons either, they too wanted to enjoy the night. 

There were whispers in the crowd commenting as to why Adam and Aimee were back together, the pair ignored it. 

The group would remain together as they went around trialling the food on offer, the photobooth that had been hired for the teenagers to enjoy photos and take home. They would even enjoy time on the dancefloor. Each had smiles on their faces as they each showed off their terrible dance skills to each other. "We need to have dance lessons abroad." Aimee would comment making her friends laugh. 

As the night dragged on it came to the time when the student council would announce the King and Queen for the evening. Ruby had no desire to be involved in the royal court they had announced just days before formal. So there were no expectations for her to win the role. Winning the crowns were both Oliva and Anwar. They were one of the most popular kids in their grade, so the win was expected.

What followed was a slow dance, where Otis dragged Ruby onto the floor swinging around in circles. Adam and Aimee follow the same direction. The couple saw the small chat with their friends. "Do you think they might get back together?" Ruby asks Otis quietly.

"If they make each other happy, then I'm sure it might manifest more than just friendship." Otis reckons. "You look wonderful tonight." He comments making Ruby blush.

"You aren't too bad yourself." She gestures to the suit the teenager was wearing. 

Ruby would pull Otis close, enjoying the intimacy of the moment.

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