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Upon arriving home she sees that her father was watching TV in their small living room. He looks up at his daughter to see his daughter dressed in casual clothing, a sight that had not been seen since before she had started high school.

He knew better than to comment on her choice of outfit. His daughter had always been passionate about her fashion choices and wanted to have a career in the future as a fashion designer. "So I haven't heard much from the famous Otis Millburn lately." He casually mentions as his daughter takes a seat on the couch.

"Dad, we broke up," Ruby says, having to put a brave safe on. "He didn't love me, the way that I did."

There is a sincere look on her father's face. "Oh don't give me that look, you've always told me not to let boys break my heart." She mutters trying to focus on the television in front of her. "Have you and mum been in contact with the new school?"

"Actually there is some news, Moordale may be able to be saved." He mentions. "There was a board meeting last night for parents and your mother attended. There has been promised some funding into the school if your old headmaster takes the role again."

Ruby gets up to her feet suddenly. "Great, just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse." He stomps towards her bedroom before a notification on her phone sparks her interest.

Listen, I know you can't be around me right now.
But I would like to buy you a diet coke sometime to talk about things.

Ruby wouldn't lie, she did have a smile on her face. She had thought the small details that she had said in passing had gone unnoticed from the boy. But she was also not going to reply, at least immediately. That text would join the numerous others that had gone answered. 

The next morning Ruby awoke to her mother forcing her out of bed to get ready to go back to school. Ruby tried to argue her side that she thought it was pointless to attend for the last few weeks of the term.

Although after much protest Ruby had dressed in the horrid grey uniform. Rolling up her skirt even higher than what he had done recently and making sure her face was covered in makeup. Although it was much plainer than her usual glamorous looks many of her peers were used to.

"Now have a good day sweetheart." Her mother wishes her off for the school day.

Ruby hopes in her little Volkswagen and carts off towards the bus stop that she knew her best friends and other members of the Untouchables would be waiting for the morning bus.

Anwar wore a pair of black sunglasses on his face but lowers them dramatically as Ruby parks her car beside the pair. "Do my eyes deceive me or is Ruby Matthew's back?" He asks.

"The bitch rose back from the dead." She dramatically calls before both Anwar and Olivia climb into her small car. "Now let's go show the student body that Ruby Matthews is back, better than ever."

There is constant chatter between the trio before Ruby parks in front of Moordale Secondary School, she notices the strange looks from the other students. Although she had anticipated that this would happen, she did disappear for a week.

"They believe you went away to have an abortion," Olivia recalls as the trio walks up the front stairs. "Some say it was Otis' child."

That line of conversation is caught by Otis who was locking his bike up along with Eric. "Oh, so there is more to the story than you let on?" He asks his best friend who just shakes his head.

"Ruby wait!" Otis calls out, which makes her and her two friends turn around. Ruby had masked herself behind her usually bitchy behavior, while her friends sent glares in Otis' direction.

"Yes, Otis?" She asks, raising her brow. She tried to look like she was impatient as Otis stands there frozen as he gathers his thoughts.

"Are the rumours true?" Otis asks, he had heard it from many people. "Because I would've been there to support you."

Ruby is flattered with his offer of support. Although the rumour mill was wrong once more. "Listen, Otis, even if I had been carrying your lanky offspring and needed to go through the procedure. It would take a lot more than just an offer of diet coke to fix the problem." She explains before Olivia pulls her away into the main campus building.

"You offered Ruby Matthews a diet coke or is that some code for sex?" Eric asks. "Because I need to get in on that action!"

"Eric don't be a dick," Otis calls before going into the main school building. Inside Otis is able to see many people gossiping about Ruby as she walks over to her locker.

"I heard she went to get an abortion." One girl comments.

"No way! I heard she was away getting gang banged by the rugby team." Another girl replies in a hushed voice. The rumours ranged from the abortion story to her offering up her body to any other male that walked through the doors of Moordale. "I mean I totally understand why she wouldn't want to show her face being a whore and still going through and getting knocked up."

That sentence makes Ruby slam her locker shut. "Shut your fucken mouth, you're all wrong!" She yells before heading in the direction of her first class. "Mind your own damn business!"

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