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The wait for her rescue would come hours later. During the time before the photograph was taken Eric had convinced his friends to drag the unconscious body of Ruby further into the woods. The other motive was so they were able to get away easily before the police were involved. 

"I didn't sign up for this!" Anwar dismisses, as Eric had requested Ruby being tied to a tree. "You told me we were just going to scare her!"

That's when Maeve decided to slap sense into the boy. "If one of us goes down, we all go down!" She reminds him. "We're all involved now, so you better harden up pretty boy."

Anwar pushes Maeve's hands away from his body. "Is she going to be okay?" Olivia asks, concern in her voice as she watches Eric stand over Ruby's body. Her breathing was shallow.

"She'll be fine." The boy mutters. "We need to get out of here."

He locks his cellphone before the group decides to part ways. Each heading in different directions. Each was unaware that the police were now involved in an investigation. Although they had all agreed to remain silent about what had occurred that afternoon. Ruby Matthews wasn't worth the jail sentence.

Although there was pain coming from her forehead, the recent memories that the teenage girl had endured had been erased from her mind. All that remained was fear due to her being in the darkening forest and her hands bound to the tree. Ruby lets out a scream of terror, alerting the police volunteers that had gone out to search for the girl.

Along with the police were her friends and mother searching for her. "Ruby Matthews?" A female officer asks, finding the girl in a shocked state.

All Ruby can respond with was a simple nod of the head. A few other officers join the female as she opens a bag to reveal medical supplies. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asks getting a cloth out to clean the wound on her forehead.

Ruby winces in pain but can't find the words to respond to the officer. "We've alerted her family that she's been found." A male officer asks. "We're so glad your friends had alerted your disappearance so suddenly so we were able to find you." There is a kind smile from the officer.

The female officer had informed the other two that Ruby would require medical attention when they got back to civilization. The cut on her forehead would require stitches to stop the bleeding completely. Along with what she thought was a broken wrist due to the tight bindings her hands had been in. "Is there anything you can tell me?" The female asks again, once Ruby had some moments to calm her breathing. 

She honestly had no idea what had occurred. All she remembered was walking home from her part-time job, listening to music before there is blackness. "Sorry..." Ruby trails off. "I just remember finishing work and waking up like this."

"That's alright." The officer calms Ruby before they would help Ruby along the path back to the civilization.

Upon hearing her safe return, the three friends ventured to the hospital to find Ruby being treated for her injuries. She was awaiting the results from the x-ray when Otis, Adam and Aimee walk into the room where she was being held. Her mother already sat beside her in a chair. 

"I'm so glad you're safe!" Otis breathes out a sigh of relief as Ruby's mother exits the room, knowing the teenagers would need some moments with her. Otis would carefully pull Ruby in for a hug. 

He notices the stitches on her forehead, although he knew Ruby would be able to cover them easily. "Do you guys know what happened?" Ruby asks her friends after assuring them that she was alright. They had given her pain medication to help with the pain of her head and arm that was currently held in a sling. 

"You went MIA and we were wondering where you were since no one had heard from you all evening," Aimee informs the girl. "Then Adam got a text from Eric."

Ruby turns to Adam confused. "He sent a picture of you, tied to a tree. Saying he found you that way." Adam mentions, showing Ruby the text exchange from Ruby. "Seems a little suspicious why Eric would be in the forest for no reason."

"One of the officers said a kid named Eric had alerted them about coming across my unconscious body with his friends in the forest," Ruby explains. "Their current theory was some mental man that hangs around the forest preying on young girls."

"Crazy Davy?" Aimee asks the girl, Ruby responds with a nod. "I didn't know he was that mentally ill."

"Well let's look at the positives, you're safe," Otis says running a hand through Ruby's hair, pulling it from her face. "And I won't let any more trouble find you."

"That's sweet of you to say." Ruby gushes.

The doctor would return to the room to inform Ruby her wrist was fractured and would require a cast. Although Ruby had settled on a splint until the swelling had calmed down and the doctors would keep an eye on her progress. This would allow Ruby to remove the splint before her showers. 

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