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Things at Moordale Secondary remain unchanged for many of the pupils roaming through the halls. Although they all knew there would be new management coming through the halls to change the school once more. 

For Otis Milburn, things had changed. It was a given that things were different between him and Ruby, they were back to being friends. Ruby just accepted it because she knows how annoying Otis can get when he doesn't get his own way. For appearances at school, she continued to ignore him and did a lot of damage control regarding all the rumours flying through the school.

It wouldn't be until two weeks after forgiving Otis that their paths would cross once again. The sight of Eric kissing Rahim in the courtyard, causing Adam to have a meltdown.

Ruby ignores the questioning from both Olivia and Rahim who just wanted to watch the drama unfold. 

Ruby places herself in front of Adam who had gone into defense mode, although she could see the tears spilling from his eyes. "Adam calm down." Ruby begins, sitting next to him on the grass as he had folded himself into a cradle. 

There was a crowd gathering around Adam, who was freaking out. "Fuck off, all of you!" Ruby demands, which makes the crowd disperse. Although they still hung around to witness the scene of Eric walking over to make sure Adam was alright. 

"Sorry-" Eric begins but is cut off.

"Save it, Eric! You'll just make things worse by opening your big fat mouth to hurt more people around you." Ruby explains, helping Adam onto his feet. She instructs him not to listen to anything. "Everyone is glad you're open and proud, but you need to seriously think about the ways you have hurt people."

The pair walk off, with Ruby supporting Adam's tall frame as they find themselves behind the school admin building just as the bell is called for the next lesson. "I'm sorry," Adam says quietly.

Ruby shrugs her shoulders. "You have nothing to say sorry for, you weren't the one going around and cheating on people," Ruby assures the boy. "You have to remember that gays live for drama."

Adam just nods quietly.

Breaking the silence is Otis stumbling around the corner, he had been eavesdropping on the pair. "Yes?" Ruby asks the teenager. "Come here to apologize on behalf of Eric?"

Otis shakes his head. "No, I just wanted to make sure everyone was alright." He simply states. "But I see you have everything under control, maybe I should leave-"

Otis is cut off by Adam. "Stay, Sex Kid."

Otis agrees to the statement and stands beside Ruby who was leaning against the brick building, looking at her chipped nails. With all the stress she had forgotten to attend her salon appointments. She fades out the conversation between the boys, as Otis uses kind words to cheer Adam up about the situation. 

"Wow!" A female voice announces, entering the quiet corner. 

Ruby looks up to see the cheerful voice that belonged to Amiee. "Olivia was right, you are having secret sex with both of them." Ruby rolls her eyes at the next rumour.

"Gross," Ruby says in a sarcastic voice. "I was just making sure Adam was alright."

Amiee nods understanding. "I mean, I wouldn't have an issue if you were hooking up with my ex-boyfriend. Just Olivia and Anwar were convinced you were since you've been kind to him." She explains.

It reminded her of the taunting she would tell Amiee when she was dating Adam in the past. "You know that girls and guys can be friends without there being sexual desires behind it," Ruby says as her eyes catch the blue eyes of Otis. "But you were right about Adam being sweet in private." She says recalling the statement Amiee had once told her.

"Yeah, he can have his moments." The other girl replies. "But the teachers are looking for you guys."

That's how Ruby and Otis were sent to an after-school detention, taking the blame for their absence from their afternoon lessons.

Because what happens in detention, stays in detention right?

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