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"Where did you two disappear to?" Aimee asks as the couple sits at the wooden table. Adam sits beside Aimee as he looks at the other two concerned. Ruby's hair presented knots as Otis' own hair looked like he had survived a hurricane.

"Just giving Otis some words of wisdom," Ruby says shrugging, opening her lunch her mother had packed for her the previous night.

Aimee gives Ruby a smirk, she knew what the couple were up to for the first half of the school day. "They must've been some wonderful words." She lets out a laugh which causes Otis' cheeks to flush red. "Great to see Otis feeling much better."

"Good job." Adam gives a thumbs up towards Otis who just nods his head.

The group were interrupted with Maeve sitting at the wooden table, sliding towards Otis. The action almost causes Ruby to fall off the bench, she blows a breath of frustration. Could she go a day without Eric and Maeve ruining the peace? "Hey bitches." Maeve greets. "I'm glad to see you back Otis, I missed you."

"And I miss the silence." Ruby comments, making Maeve glare in her direction. "I'm sorry, did you say something important?"

"I was just about to tell Otis how worried his mother is," Maeve explains. "She wants you to answer her calls and come home."

"So she can send me to the looney bin?" Otis asks. "Thanks, I'll pass." 

"Can we send you to the hospital though?" Adam asks breaking the awkward silence in the group. This earns a glare from Maeve, in the past, she had found Adam to be a sweet, gentle guy who would never insult a female. "You don't seem to understand when you're making people feel uncomfortable." 

"Would having me around make things better?" Eric asks, sitting next to Adam at the table. Both Olivia and Anwar remain standing.

"Makes me want to throw up." Ruby comments, playing with her sandwich.

"Darling, your face makes me want to barf." Eric retorts. "How is everyone doing today?"

"Was doing great, until you showed up." Aimee bitterly states. "Can we have one day where you're not pissing us off?"

"I'm offended," Eric says dramatically. "I thought we were friends."

"Maybe, you should think about your actions before you act like an utter asshole," Otis comments getting to his feet. "I prefer friends that don't consider me insane when in all honesty Eric you've changed dramatically in a short amount of time there might be an underlying mental health issue you want to get checked out."

Otis' trio of friends follows his lead as they pack up their belongings. "Stay here," Eric orders Ruby, making Olivia push her back onto the bench.

Otis notices the commotion, walking back over to the table. "Fuck you, Eric, leave my girlfriend alone!" Otis barks back, helping Ruby up to her feet and exiting the courtyard. 

That left Eric group at the table that the friends once sat at. Eric watches in anger as both Otis and Ruby walk with exchanged hands as they catch up to his ex-boyfriend and Aimee. "I miss hanging out with my friends," Maeve comments, as Anwar and Olivia sit on either side of her as they face Eric.

"Don't worry, they won't be plagued by Ruby forever," Eric assures her. "Our friends will be back on our side shortly." 

"How will you manage that?" Anwar asks, raising his eyebrow with concern.

"Who would want to hang out with a dead girl?" Eric asks. "That would be disgusting."

Both Olivia and Maeve look at each other, fear written on their faces. It was a moment when they became afraid of the boy sitting in front of them, as he was looking at the cracked nail polish on his hands. "What?" Eric looks back at them confused. "I'm not murdering anyone if that's what you're concerned about, Ruby isn't worth the prison sentence." 

"Then what the fuck do you have planned?" Anwar asks.

"Just scaring Ruby," Eric assures them. "If she thinks she's in danger than shes not going to want to show her face again."

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