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Ruby knew she was in trouble.

Although first she was given medical attention about the wound on the back of her head. It had stained both her hair and school uniform as she was taken to the emergency room by a kind teacher. Her parents had been informed about the situation already and her mother had met them in the waiting room. "Oh, Ruby!" Her mother utters before rushing over to make sure her daughter was alright.

A doctor walks into the small cubicle where Ruby was being tended to. "Well Mrs Matthews, It only required two switches. Nothing too serious, your daughter will just experience some head pain in the next few days." He explains to Ruby's mother.

Ruby was still pushing the world out, ignoring the upcoming consequences.

Ruby was given pain relief before her mother drives her back to the school, where Eric was sitting in the principal's office with his father. He was rather disappointed in his son, he had attacked a girl out of anger, it was not how he raised his son. It didn't matter about the circumstances.

There was a relief principal appalled with the situation. 

Mrs Matthews and Ruby sit down next to Eric and his father. "So how did we get here?" The principal asks. "It started with the insults followed by a slap from Miss Matthews before Mr Effiong decided to push her into the ground and she made contact with a corner of a concrete pillar on her fall." He finishes the summary.

"Ruby decided to just slap me out of nowhere, it was uncalled for." Eric stands up for himself, ignoring the sigh from his father sitting beside him. "She has issues."

"That's enough Eric." The principal warns him with a stern tone. "I understand that Mr Effiong touched on a sensitive subject for Miss Matthews."

Mrs Matthews just nods her head. Ruby was clutching her head in shame and trying to ignore the pain from the back of her head, the drugs given at the emergency room were wearing off.

"So taking this into account and Moordale having a strict nonphysical tolerance, Eric you'll have an in-school suspension and Ruby will be engaging in another week's worth of detentions." He announces.

"That's unfair!" Eric calls getting out of his seat in anger.

"And so is harming another student causing physical assault, be lucky the Matthew's haven't contacted the authorities to press charges. Your suspension will last three weeks." The principal announces. "I think I am being more than fair."

With that the meeting is over, Eric's father tries to apologize to Mrs Matthews, who responds with just a nod and leads Ruby to the car. There her mother lets out a deep breath. "Ruby-"

Ruby cuts off her mother. "I know, fighting is not worth it. I'm in more trouble. Can we just go home so I can sleep off this headache?" She asks her mother who agrees and drives them both home.

There Ruby takes a shower to rid of the blood over her head and body, discards her uniform into the wash, and is given more pain relief. She was about to venture towards her bedroom when there is a knock at the door. "It will be for you." Her father calls from the living room.

Sighing, Ruby opens the door to see Otis standing there with a worried look on his face. He held a bunch of yellow flowers out to her. The gesture made Ruby forget the pain for a small moment. "Are you alright?" He asks the girl.

Wanting privacy from her parents, she closes the front door and hugs the teenager. He responds by wrapping his arms around the shorter girl in a protective manner. "I'm doing a little better now," Ruby responds to the boy.

"Do I need to stutter trying to apologize for Eric?" Otis asks the girl, who just responds by shaking her head against his shoulder.

"I don't want to even mention him right now," Ruby says sadly. "I just got so wound up with what he said, I suppose you are still supporting your boyfriend?"

Ruby pulls away to look at the blue eyes in front of her. "I'm extremely mad at Eric, there's a part of me that will always try to support him since he is my best friend but he also hurt you, physically. I think it is going to take a while to forgive him for this." Otis explains to the girl. "Anyway these are for you."

Ruby offers the form of a small smile as she takes the flowers from the boy. "Thank you, Otis. I just have to warn you for any future detentions we won't be able to be caught making out." Ruby says in a joking manner.

"There are plenty of other great places for that anyway." He says with a wink. "But I really should  go home before I'm yelled out again."

There is a look of sadness on Ruby's face as Otis farewells the girl and kisses her cheek. "Otis wait!" She calls out to the boy before she almost throws herself at his thin frame.

She kisses Otis passionatley. 

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