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As discussed in the diner that afternoon, the group parted ways. They each went job searching the next afternoon, with Aimee landing a part-time job in one of the local bakeries. Adam sourced a job at the grocery store, along with Otis who went in an hour after him, they were hired to be the ones to stack shelves. Ruby found herself a job working at the hospital, with the help from her mother and she was a health care assistance. 

At the end of the week, they all started their shiftwork after school. 

Otis and Adam were able to have many of their shifts with each other, this meant that Adam was calmer while facing customers that may ask questions. It was also a chance for the two teenagers to get to know each other more, even finding themselves playing practical jokes on each other.

Aimee's job found her starting before school for an hour and a half and the rest after school. She learned a lot from the pastry chefs. She would even bring leftovers for her friends at school.

Ruby was given such a challenging role, yet her mother was happy she decided to take her first steps in funding her own future. She was proud of how quickly her daughter flourished at her new role, Ruby found herself enjoying working with the children to cheer them up after their surgeries.

The teenagers were still granted days off for homework, they usually fell on a Thursday and Friday afternoon. They would usually hang out together at each other's houses to study for their assignments and upcoming exams.

Both Adam and Ruby had never been the most academic, yet with the help of both Aimee and Otis their teachers were already seeing a massive improvement in their grades. Rather than having other people write their essays for them.

Adam was most proud that he was going from a failing grade to an average of a C-. All done in the course of less than a month, this meant he was passing more assignments and if he kept the average up he would be able to graduate and attend university. 

Ruby's grades went up to averaging at a B.

One Friday afternoon the group were lounging around the living room in Otis' home. His mother Jean was enjoying some peace in the kitchen as she had put her daughter down for a nap. She was observing the teenagers from a distance.

She had just offered some snacks to the teenagers, who accepted the homemade lemonade to go with the muffins that Aimee had brought along. Jean was slightly confused as to such an off bunch of teenagers were hanging out for the second week in a row. Who knew her son could make other friends than just Eric.

"My brain is turning to mush." Adam huffs, pushing his maths book on the floor.

"Same, I think we could use a break," Ruby says sighing. She had just finished working on her English assignment and needed a break from her laptop screen.

Jean decides to walk herself into the living room. "Would anyone be interested in a refill?" She asks holding a jug.

"Yes please!" Aimee holds out her glass.

Otis also asks for a refill but both Ruby and Adam still had enough in their first glass. "Otis, darling can I talk to you?" She asks her son who just sighs before agreeing and following his mother to the kitchen. "I'm so pleased you have made new friends, but why hasn't Eric been invited for these study sessions?"

"Eric has been a dick," Otis answers simply, earning a stern look from his mother. 

"So it would be inappropriate that I invited him over for dinner to join your friends?" She asks innocently. He nods his head. "I should call his father then because he would already be on his way over." 

Otis knew there was something his mother was up to. Before he can warn his girlfriend and friends, Eric bursts into the kitchen. "Everyone's lives just got better, I am here!"

All attention goes to Eric. He earns confused looks from the three teenagers left in the living. "How sweet, a study session. What are we learning?" He asks, a smirk on his face before he turns to Jean. "Thank you for inviting me, Jean." He turns to Otis. "I think you forgot my invite to this smashing party."

Jean tells the boys to join the rest in the living room. "Maybe I would've invited you if you stopped being a douchebag." Otis answers.

Otis sits next to Ruby on one couch, putting his arm around her shoulder. Aimee and Adam were lounging on the other couch, just leaving the single armchair for Eric to sit in. "So I heard you guys all got jobs. Getting a head start on affording uni?" He asks.

"Yes," Aimee answers simply, as Adam picks up his book from the floor to busy himself with rather than looking at Eric.

There is an awkward silence, as Ruby snuggles closer to Otis who brushes his hand through her long hair. "So Adam, Rahim was telling me about your dog tricks." He tries to start a conversation with his ex-boyfriend.

"Yep." He answers simply.

"He's really good at it," Ruby adds.

Eric nods before awkwardly looking at the ground below his feet. "I'll have to see it next time."

"The last event in Moordale was last weekend." Adam answers. "I got third."

"Congratulations." He says with a silent clap.

Without the new group behind him, it felt like all confidence from Eric had just disappeared. "You lost without your followers?" Ruby asks the boy.

"Not at all Ruby, just feeling a bit bored since all you guys are doing is study," Eric replies, but Ruby knew he was faking it. "Didn't think that was a favourite pastime for you."

"People change," Ruby says looking judgementally at the boy. "Anyway, I should get going. Make sure my dad is alright." She says getting up from her seat and putting her laptop and books into her bag.

"Do you want a ride?" Aimee asks the girl, who agrees. Adam also asks to tag along, he wanted to catch up on the reality shows with his mother before she went on another date.

"So then there were two," Eric says as the three people had left before farewelling Otis and his mother. Ruby lingered to give Otis a passionate kiss. "I see you and Ruby are still together."

"And it's not changing anytime soon if you were planning on poisoning me against her again," Otis warns his friend. "Why are you here Eric?"

"I wanted to apologize for my actions, I miss my best friend." He says, honestly. "I'm not my true self without you."

"Could've fooled me." Otis retorts.

"You're right, I'm a dick at times. I just wanted to show everyone that they cannot walk all over me anymore. I just wanted to prove a point and I guess I got carried away." He explains. "I'm sorry Otis."

"An apology doesn't cover you insulting and even physically hurting my friends." Otis reasons. "Might stop me being so hositle to you, but not forgive you."

"Better than nothing, babes." Eric replies. "What's for dinner?"

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