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Walking hand in hand, both Otis and Ruby walk along the river trail. Ruby's punishment had come to an end after two long weeks. Otis was just ignoring the strict terms both his mother and Jakob had put on him. It had been quite a tense couple of weeks in his household and he needed a break.

Otis noticed that Ruby was wearing a more casual outfit, rather than the usual glamorous outfits. She was wearing a pair of jeans with a simple tank top that she had cropped since it was quite humid. "So how's freedom?" Otis asks the girl as they stop to sit on top of a few rocks that sat near the treeline.

Ruby shrugs. "There seems to be no difference. Things feel more normal other than getting to spend more time with this strange guy." She says which makes Otis roll his eyes. "How's your boyfriend?"

Otis lets out a long sigh. "Avoiding me." He answers. "He believes that you've poisoned me against him and I should realize you're a bitch."

There is a sarcastic smirk on Ruby's face. "I'm so glad Eric thinks of me so highly. So sweet, almost makes me want to forgive him." 

The statement makes Otis laugh.

There is a comfortable silence as they both agreed that the sight of sunshine was a truly magical moment as it lit up the river that flowed past. Sunshine was something that hardly occurred in their small country, let alone their town. Although the change in season approached, it meant that the teenagers could enjoy the outdoors more.

"You know, I've noticed the rest of your group hasn't been around," Otis mentions, he had noticed that both Anwar and Olivia had kept their distance from Ruby. They thought the girl had changed and didn't want to be involved with her drama. 

Ruby rolls her eyes. "It's all about the perfect image of high school, during my time of punishment away from social media and actually spending time with new people it has made me realize there are more things to look forward to in life than being queen bee," Ruby explains. "We have to worry about being accepted into a decent university." 

Otis nodded, his mother had begun to hound him to raise his grades so he was able to get into a good university to secure his future. Since his mother was funding the next step in his education he had to have acceptable grades.

The couple takes a small moment to appreciate each other in a close embrace as they continue to converse about what may lie ahead in their future. Otis kisses the top of Ruby's head as she enjoys the scenery around her.

That was until a familiar voice called from the distance. "Otis?!"

The couple looks around to see the figure of Maeve dressed in her usual black skirt and leather jacket combo. She had returned to Moordale, a break from her semester abroad already. She was excited to catch up with all her old friends and Otis happened to be on the top of her list.

Ruby awkwardly gets to her feet as Maeve walks over to the couple and watches as the other girl pulls Otis in for a quick hug. Otis just stands there in shock, that she had returned so suddenly. "H..hi Maeve." He greets the girl, who has a wide smile plastered on her face.

Maeve pulls back from the boy and looks in between both Otis and Ruby. "Oh hi, Ruby." Maeve greets in a sarcastic voice. "Are you guys back together?"

Ruby matches the fake smile on Maeve's face, as she pulls her brown hair from her face and walks confidently towards the other girl. "Yes, yes we are. What are you doing back? America not good enough for you?" Ruby asks the girl.

"Actually it's an amazing opportunity, how are your grades, Ruby? Did they drop because you no longer pay me to write your essays?" There is a satisfied smirk on Maeve's face as Ruby rolls her eyes.

"Okay, Stop!" Otis calls, putting himself between both of the girls. 

Otis turns towards the girl that he had declared his love for just shy of a month ago. "Maeve, you should've called." His tone is serious. "Things have changed since you left."

Ruby felt proud that her confidence was rubbing off on the teenager, he was standing up to the girl. 

Maeve apologies for her actions. "Right, sorry. Everything just happened so quickly, I just wanted to find you." She pauses before looking back at Ruby that stood behind Otis with her arms crossed. "But I see you were busy, Eric was right."

She turns to walk away. "You saw Eric?" Otis asks the girl making her turn back around.

"He was in town, hanging out with Anwar. Which was a strange sight to see, but I see there have been a lot of changes in Moordale." Maeve notes. "I'll just call you later Otis, nice to see you both again."

Otis just waves before turning back to Ruby, they both haven't agreed on the official name of their relationship yet. But both agreed that they were committed to each other to make it work, making things move slowly instead of rushing into things. "So..." Otis trails off. "We're back together?"

Ruby gives a short laugh. "Didn't think you were into labels yet." She suggests. "But Otis, I would like to be your girlfriend again."

There is a bright smile that appears on his pale face, he excitedly picks up the girl and hugs her. Lifting her from the ground he spins the girl around in a circle. "Otis!" Ruby says, fear in her voice.

"Sorry!" He says before putting her back on her feet and pulling Ruby into a passionate kiss.

The kiss sealed the deal.

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