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Finally finished my exams, so excited to write these last two prompts and continue my fic even though I don't know what I will continue it with. So sorry for the very late update, I was too exhausted to develop something because I was so stressed about my exams. A couple of days left until we see our favorite wives, I miss them soooo much. Hope you enjoy :). Sexy chapter for sexy occasions. 


This was their first valentine's day as a married couple, despite both of them being romantic on a certain level, they were both nervous and didn't know what to do for this occasion since they wanted to make it special.

Fortunately they both had the day off so they both laid in bed comfortably in each other's arms. The last week was very hectic so they were beyond exhausted and grateful to have this one day off where they could just sit in bed and relax to recharge before jumping back into Seattle's craziness. Due to the chaos of the week they decided to have a lowkey valentine's day, just chilling at home and basking in each other's presence since they didn't have the time to plan for a romantic day.

They both lay bed having just woken up a few minutes ago and basking in the bliss of the comfortable silence the late morning provides. Their bare bodies pressed against each other keeping each other warm from the cold Seattle weather as they were bundled up under the sheets. Carina laid almost half her body onto Maya, her long left tanned leg tangled placed in between strong pale thighs their toes rubbing on each other.

Long brunette hair shining under the bright sun that made its way through their windows as it sprawled all over Maya's chest. Carina's head placed over her heart as she listens to the strong thumps that relax her whole body. Short gold locks twirled around long tan fingers; she was mesmerized by the way her thin gold rings reflected in the sun almost matching Maya's hair color. Her heart sped up a little when she saw her wedding ring reflecting brightly in the sun, a wide smile quickly made its way onto her face.

Maya, who was softly ghosting the tip of her fingers along Carina's arm leaving goosebumps in their trail, noticed how her wife's heart rate increased and felt her lips form into a smile against her skin.

"What" said Maya softly as she looked down at her wife noticing the change in her body language.

"Nothing" replied the brunette as she tucked her head deeper under the blonde's neck, her smile growing wider.

"What" asked the blonde again as she tickled Carina's side making her squirm and bury herself deeper into the firefighter's neck.

"Nothing!" said Carina between her giggles before rolling away from Maya's body trying to escape from the tickling.

"Tell me!" chuckled Maya out as she followed Carina and straddled her as she tickled her sides.

"Okay! Okay!" let out Carina as she tried to regain her breath back.

Their positions were now reversed, Maya laid half her body on top of Carina as she supported her head with her propped elbow as she looked down at the brunette now twirling her long luscious hair between her nimble fingers.

As she patiently waited for her wife to start, she looked into warm brown eyes and knew whatever that will come out is going to be meaningful and coming from the heart with nothing but truth and love.

"Sono così felice di aver detto di sì" (I am so glad I said yes) said Carina as she looked into bright blue eyes while tucking a strand of fallen blonde hair behind her ear and stroking her cheek softly when she was done.

"English please babe" said Maya as she pressed a soft kiss on the top of the Italian's nose.

"I am so glad I said yes"

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