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-A/N: not so proud of this one because it was last minute, my week has been hectic and disgusting but, on the brightside, we get Marina back in 4 weeks today!!! I miss them so much : (


"Babe" whispered Maya as she was kneeling in front of Carina on the passenger's side trying to wake her wife up.

"Babe wake up please were here" she tried again, leaving a small kiss on her forehead.

They decided to go to a carnival for all ages that was being held outside the city, it seemed like something worthy of experiencing since it looked big and inviting and all the money collected will be donated to organizations that are in need of some funding. Upon the rest of the shift knowing their plans for the weekend, everyone wanted to join to have fun and support.

They just arrived, and the brunette passed out in her seat the whole ride there since she was exhausted from her shift but wanted to go nevertheless.

"I'm up" grumbled Carina while opening her eyes and pecking her wife's lips before getting out of the car sluggishly.

As she was stretching her whole body while letting out a huge yawn, she suddenly curled up on herself and let out loud giggles when Maya tickled her sides.

"Maya stop!!!" Carina tried to say between her laughs while she squirmed.

They suddenly were disrupted by a minivan filled with firefighters honking playfully at them as they parked next to their car.

"CARNIVAL! CARNIVAL! CARNIVAL!" chanted Travis, Emmett, and Vic as they ran around both cars with little Pru chasing behind them with her small feet.

Andy made her way towards Maya with her hands on her hips and an annoyed look on her face.

"The whole ride they were like 'Are we there yet, Are we there yet?'" said Andy with a mocking voice.

Carina and Maya giggled at their friends' antics as they were now dragging out a sleepy Dean from the backseat, with Ben appearing after parking and locking the car.

"They have a lot of energy considering the shift we had" sighed Ben as he stood next to Andy.

"They had 2 energy shots before getting into the car" mumbled Jack who was holding a bag containing a first aid kit and some snacks if needed.

"Come on let's go and see" said Maya while intertwining her hands with the brunette making their way to the entrance.

The whole group made their way to the entrance, paid their entrance fee, got some tokens they could use to play some of the games and had a bracelet put on them so they can enter again without paying a fee incase they had to leave and come back.

The group was now looking around the carnival to see what the games and booths were there, every now and then one pointed at a booth and said "Were definitely playing that one".

"You're definitely going to win me that firefighter teddy bear bambina" said Carina as she pointed to the teddy bear displayed in the ring toss booth.

"Babe you know these are rigged" whined Maya knowing that it was a difficult challenge but was determined to get it for her wife.

As it was now a bit after noon they decided they would have a light lunch before starting in playing the games, they were there a bit early so not many people were around and the atmosphere was calm.

As they finished their lunch the place was much more crowded, music blasting through the speakers, sounds of children's laughs all around so they started to get excited.

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