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A\N: I am so deeply sorry for the very late update, I have been stressed about my finals, thankfully I am doing well in my exams. Next week's update will be delayed but I have great ideas for the last two prompts. I hope you enjoy! 17 more days to go until we see our favorite wives! This one is going to be a short one sorry.


The whole station family were planning to meet at Joe's in order to celebrate Andy's promotion to captain at station 23. They wanted to get wasted, enjoying the night as much as they can since they only had some days off they can relax in after an exhausting week.

Even though she did not want to replace the captain's position at 23 because he was recovering from his injuries after the devastating explosion that cost her her friend and firefighter, Aquino insisted she took his place since he was planning to take a step back from firefighting, focusing on recovery and doing some soul searching after facing death for now.

She reluctantly took the position, she was encouraged by her best friend insisting she took the job in order to keep the women in high positions and break records in the fire department.

So after the Latina contacted the chief and explained the situation, she was granted the position, of course taking her experience and leadership skills into consideration, the whole station family insisted on celebrating her promotion.

Most of the crew were sitting at a booth in the back corner of the bar since it was the most spacious, all engaged in a conversation with the other while sipping on their drinks as they waited for a certain couple.

"There they are! The Deluca-Bishops fashionably late as expected" exclaimed Vic once she spotted the couple making their way towards the group making them chuckle.

"I wonder why" mumble Andy teasingly as she saw a hickey on Maya's pale neck when she went to hug her in greeting making the blonde blush furiously.

After greeting their family Carina sat Maya down and asked her, "Bambina what do you want to drink?".

"Oh don't worry I will go get us some drinks" she replied as she started getting up.

She was pushed back into her seat gently by the brunette as she bent down and asked her again "Its fine, I'll go get them, what do you want?".

"Okay then I will have a beer for now" said Maya giving Carina a small smile. Before her wife could get too far she grabbed her by the arm gently making her turn towards her.

"Thank you baby" said Maya with a soft smile making Carina smile fondly and give her a small loving peck on her lips.

The Italian made her way towards the bar and flagged the bartender down.

"Hello, one beer please" she said, "Oh and do you have cranberry juice?" she asked.

When he nodded she told him "can you please fill a wine glass with cranberry juice only" she asked. She giggled at his confused facial expression at the weird order, she pointed down at her stomach with a small smile making the bartender immediately understand.

"One beer and a special 'wine' coming right up" said the bartender as he went to make the drinks.

She patiently waited at the bar while the drinks were being made. She looked back at how happy her wife looked surrounded by her people and celebrating her best friend.

She noticed how Maya was getting a bit nervous and stressed nowadays with all the waiting, they had started their baby making process a few weeks back, and had to wait until they ran some blood tests on Carina to know if they're pregnant or not.

The OB went and ran her blood test this morning, and was ecstatic to find out she was indeed pregnant after she noticed some changes in her body and growing nausea in the morning, she was planning to tell the blonde the news when they went back home because she didn't want to steal Andy's thunder today.

She was drawn out of her phase when their drinks were placed in front of her, mumbling a quick 'Thank you' she made her way back to the table. She sat next to her wife as she handed her her drink, immediately melting into Maya as she placed an arm around her and pulled her closer to her body.

The night went by, everyone was having a great time, dancing, drinking, and laughing at some memories they had at the station.

Every now and then they would take some tequila shots in order to spice up their night even more. Carina kept refilling her drink with cranberry juice, she offered to get everyone their drinks each round, not wanting someone to offer her alcohol without their knowledge of the situation. Usually Carina would take a couple of shots in between her wine, Vic was getting suspicious when the brunette did not take any shots but didn't think much of it. Andy would've noticed it too, but she was too wasted happily celebrating the job she wanted.

By the end of the night when the vibe winded down they all sat around the table after dancing together on the dance floor when something clicked in Maya's head. Her wife wasn't flushed like she used to get when she was drunk, she wasn't getting extra flirty in Italian and demanding sex like usual either.

The blonde turned towards her wife, her blue eyes narrowed as she was trying to think with her intoxicated brain.

She gasped dramatically as she shouted and pointed a finger at her wife, "YOU'RE NOT DRUNK" slurred Maya in her drunk state making Carina freeze mid sip and her eyebrows shoot up and brown orbs widen when she felt everyone's gaze on her.

"Yeah you didn't take any shots today, and you drank many glasses of wine but you don't seem drunk" stated Andy as she tried to connect the dots, also knowing how the Italian acts when she is intoxicated but not seeing any signs that she was.

Carina went all shy and quiet as she looked down into her glass which was now taken from her grip and into Maya's hand watching as she took a large sip from her glass.

She knew she was caught the second Maya's eyebrows furrowed as she swallowed the juice.

"That's cranberry juice!" stated the blonde as she put the glass back onto the table.

Travis gasped playfully and pointed a finger at the Italian while slurring "Impostor!" which made everyone chuckle.

Carina did not want to say the news out loud so she gently took Maya's hand, opened her palm and placed it over her stomach, a wide smile on her face as she looked at her wife.

The whole table went silent as they tried to figure out what was happening between the couple.

A simultaneous collective loud gasp came from all around the table as their eyes widened and smiles graced their faces when they realized what Carina was doing.

Maya was confused for a second as she registered everyone's reactions and the placement of her hand on her wife's abdomen. When it clicked in her head she gasped as her heart started racing in joy and happiness. Her eyes immediately welled up with happy tears as she said "Really!".

When she saw the brunette slowly nod her head she lunged forward and hugged her tightly as happy tears ran down her cheeks in relief. After many tries and heartbreaks it finally worked.

"This deserves another round of celebration!" said Andy as she stood up to congratulate her best friend and her wife before getting drinks for everyone, a glass of cranberry juice as well.


- Not too happy with this but I wanted to post something

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