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I know I haven't updated in centuries. I am nearly thinking of marking this book as completed but I dont wanna...
I can't make a decision, sometimes it's so confusing...

Anyway, I reappeared on the surface of the earth to ask a question.

This question popped into my mind while going through my previously written shots. I like everything I wrote even it is not up to the mark and has mistakes. Sometimes it is embarrassing and frustrating, like what was I thinking while writing this or why the flow is so choppy or why was I in so much hurry that I didn't check my fucking spellings or...

You get the gist. 😅

So, my question is...

Read carefully.


Which of the shots did you find lovely/liked from the ones I have written?


I am sorry but Jimin looks so serene in the picture.

Captive: BTS One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now