"Okay, here's Hank." Rosie said as she handed Alice the leash, "Be a good boy and don't cause problems. Now leave."

"No no no, not yet!" I begged as Alice just waved goodbye to me and chuckled as she walked out of the apartment. It was now just Rosie and I in here. My back was to her, so I slowly turned around and saw her staring at me with a somewhat annoyed expression.

"Rosie! Hey babe, long time no see! I was just gonna head out-"

I couldn't finish my sentence because her lips were on mine in a matter of milliseconds; it was honestly impressive because she had to cover so much ground. It was a searing kiss and she wasted absolutely no time to get what she wanted. My hands traveled down her body and rested on her ass as I mumbled a 'jump' against her lips. She did just that and my hands settled underneath her thighs as she wrapped her legs around my hips. Rosie's hands were on the back of my neck and in my hair as I blindly led us to the couch in the living room.

Instead of laying her down on it, I decided to sit down on the couch myself to allow Rosie to be on top. Her legs went on either side of me and we continued to make out; tongues battling for dominance and neither of us giving up. I moved my hands to the hem of her shirt and took it off of her so she was topless on top of me in just her panties. Her blonde hair was messy and falling on either side of her face, making her look like a goddess.

"You're perfect." I sincerely told her as she smiled down at me,

"And you're also perfect." I just playfully rolled my eyes at her as she pulled the back of my neck to connect our lips once again. While we made out, my hands went up her body and started to massage her breasts, tugging at her nipples ever so slightly. She moaned into my mouth and slowly started to grind down on me, making my stomach do flips. My desire for her was increasing as the time ticked by and we were both ticking time bombs, so desperately wanting to go off.

But one thing completely erased that mindset for me real quick. Rosie's hand was lowering itself towards my pants and she slipped her hand underneath the waistband of my shorts. I immediately tensed up and grabbed her hand, pulling it away.

But I need you.

My mind started to cloud as I heard her voice in my head; the voice that sent me spiraling so many times. All those times with her rushed back to me and I hated the feeling that washed over me. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else other than this. I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt Rosie's hand wipe away a tear that fell on my cheek.

"Y/n?" She whispered softly to me as she climbed off of me and put her shirt back on, not wanting to upset me anymore. I realized that she has no idea why I acted like that to her. Also I think that I probably just ruined the rest of the day. I opened my eyes and steadied my rapid breathing; my eyes darting around from object to object in order to remind myself I'm not at her apartment anymore.

"Hey, look at me. Please." Rosie said as she cupped my jaw, gently and carefully turning my head so I was looking at her. Guilt poured down on me like ice water and I got teary eyed as I looked into her worried brown eyes,

"I'm sorry."

"No, no don't be! Everything is okay, I'm right here." Rosie quickly said as a tear slipped out of my eye. She quickly wiped it away and pulled me into a tight hug, letting me be vulnerable with her. I held onto her like she was my life line; like she was my one and only source of oxygen. Her fingers played with my baby hairs and she kept whispering to me sweet nothings in order to calm me down. A few minutes passed by and I was just sniffling a tiny bit. Rosie placed a kiss on the crown of my head and squeezed me gently,

"Could you tell me what I did wrong so I won't do it again?" I moved my head back so I was now face to face to her,

"It wasn't you, you were fine; I promise. It's just my mind." Rosie furrowed her eyebrows and cupped my cheek with her hand as I leaned into her warm touch.

Capturing a Moment (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now