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Draco POV

"3...2...1." I heard the doctor's desperate voices as they desperately tried to get her heartbeat back. They repeated three times.

She's gone.

Hearing the sighs from the doctors I knew she was gone, I felt the tears forming in my eyes. How was I gonna raise my daughter on my own? Aria needs her mother.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Quickly! Charge them again!" I quickly rose to my feet as they began to get a steady heartbeat.

Lory, Theo, Blaise, and I watched when we heard a sigh.

"She's stable."

We broke out in cheers, deafeningly loud.

Lory started crying again. I watched, as Y/N's chest rose and fell.

Everything then went by in a blur. Y/N was wheeled out and taken to a spare room. The baby was placed in the nursery because she had fluids in her lungs and for being premature. The doctor came into the surgery watch room.

"This has been a very eventful surgery, but Y/N is okay." She informed.

"And my daughter?" I asked.

"She having a hard time breathing so she will stay in the NICU for a while." She said.

"Thank you so much," I said, shaking the doctor's hand. The doctor smiled at us and left the room after informing us of Y/N's room number. We ran to it.

She lay there, still unconscious. Lory read her chart.

"They've written that she's in a coma." She said.

"How long for?" Theo asked. Lory gave him a look, that we knew the answer to.

"They're not sure" Blaise confirmed. Lory nodded.

"I'm gonna go see my daughter, call me if she awakes." They nodded as I left the room to the nursery area and saw Aria laying awake in the little cot and smiled at her.

"Which one's yours?" The nurse asked and I pointed to Aria, she checked my 'daddy' bracelet against Aria's to make sure I was telling the truth and let me in. I stared at her as her eyes wandered everywhere.

"Can I hold her?" I asked as she nodded.

"It's good to do skin-on-skin contact. It helps with bonding with the child." She said. I nodded. "I'll let you two alone." She left. I removed my shirt before picking Aria up and sat in a chair at the back of the nursery holding my baby girl.

"Aria I want to make some promises to you right now. Promises that I won't go back on. I know that your mom and I are not married but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure you have everything that you need and want. I promise you that I'll be the best dad that I can be. I'm not going to be great at first but once I learn how you work I'll be great. I promise that I'll teach you how to swim, I promise to stand by you with everything you chose to do in life, whether it be an athlete, an actress, a singer, a dancer, a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher. Anything you want I promise and my last promise to you is that I promise to die for you and do everything in my power to make sure nothing bad happens to you and you live a happy, exciting, fulfilled and safe life" I brought her up to me and I kissed her head. "God. I never knew I could love someone so much. Don't get me wrong I love your mother but... a father's love for his child... his daughter is unbeatable." I told her.

Every promise that I just made to her I will keep because I want my daughter to be happy and I want to be the best dad I could be.

She squirmed against my arms as I looked down at her, studying her tiny face as she inherited Y/N's hair color, my eyes, and my nose. She's perfect.

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