Chapter 1- Rendes

Start from the beginning

The Pig's Pen was dimly lit and had tables scattered around in no order what so ever. The bar was located along the side of the building and was made of dark wood that had gone smooth with years of wear. Mr Ranks, the man who owned the place, stood behind the bar with an old cloth in his hands and a snarl on his face. Sky smiled at him. She was still thankful for the work despite how tasteless it may be. The large room was beginning to fill slowly and Sky knew that soon it would be packed with men needing a strong drink. There were other women like her, though not as young, dressed in the same plain brown dresses and a murky green aprons around their waists. Sky found hers from behind the bar and looked to Mr Ranks.

"Expecting many tonight?" She asked him as she tied a large bow with the string around her back.

He simply nodded and handed her a tray full of drinks. She took it and made her way around the room handing out the alcohol to any man who lifted his hand. As she placed the cups down on the table she smiled at the familiar faces, glad to see the joy in their intoxicated eyes.

The hours past and Sky's feet begun to ache. The Pig's Pen was full to brink and there was little space to stand let alone sit so she leaned against the far wall resting her sore feet. The men were shouting and singing. Some of the locals were telling foreigners of the stories she had grown up with and she listened with a smile on her face.

"Oi, Love, come 'er!" The shout came from the other side of the room and Sky shoved her way through the mass of people careful not to spill her tray of fresh drinks. She noted with disdain that the men were younger and more likely to make remarks towards her. Her heart sank where she saw that they were also from her town.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" She asked in a sweet voice resting the drinks on her hip. The men chuckled.

"You can do a lot for us Love, but we might like to go somewhere more private." The man who spoke was someone she had known quite well once upon a time. He was tall, much taller than her and had blond sun bleached hair that was tied up behind his neck. Trent was one of her brother friends and even the idea of going anywhere 'private' with him made her sick. She smiled tightly and placed the tray down in front of them.

"I'm sorry sir, but if that is the pleasure you seek then whole house is a cross the road." She told him flatly then turned to leave but was stopped by a hand at her waist. She spun to see Trent had stood up now and was holding her with a nasty smirk.

"Oh come on Skyler. No need to be angry, we're just looking for a bit of fun." His breath stank of rum and his eyes were cruel. Skyler resisted the urge to slap him and removed his hand from her hip.

"Well I am not. I told you no and if you won't accept that I'll have you thrown out on your arses." Her voice rose slightly with anger and she glared at them all. Without waiting for a response she began to walk away from them.

"Such a disappointment. Just like James." The name of her brother made her stop dead. Sky spun around to face Trent and pushed forward driven by anger.

"What did you say about my brother?" She poked him as hard as she could in the chest not caring that she was half his height. No one said anything against her brother and got away with it.

"He left. Just walked out one day and ditched his dying father." Sky clenched her fist and tried to control her breathing. "I'm surprised the navy would even accept someone as pathetic to betray their own family-" Whatever else he was going to say was cut off as Sky's fist connected with the side of his face. Trent was knocked off his feet and landed awkwardly on the ground with a thud, his hand to his face.

For a full second there was silence as everyone in the tavern processed what had happened. Then all hell broke loose. Fists were flying everywhere, people were shouting and bottles were being used as clubs. Sky ducked as a glass was thrown at her head and watched it shatter against the wall. Her hand hurt but she was satisfied with the look of pain Trent's face. Now it matched the pain she felt.

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