Wrath of the Galaxy Master

Start from the beginning

"It looks like you have some wild party here!" I yelled, getting attention from everyone present. "In that case, let me join as well!"

"Mizael ?!" Yuya said in surprise. "Why are you here ? Weren't you suppose to be back at Duel Lodge along with Serena ?"

"A lot of things happened, I explain later." I replied as I stood beside Kaito. "Rightnow, we have some assholes to get rid of. Isn't that right, Kaito ?"

"Your assistance is not nessersary, Kuroba Mizael." Kaito spoke with his usual cold tone. "I'm more than enough for scum like these."

"True, but it's in everyone's best interests to finish this as quickly as possible, especially if you take Kurosaki's condition on account." I pointed out. "If you still find the prospect of Dueling alongside me distasteful, then just think of me starting a Duel on my own here against the same opponent."

"Isn't that the same as me and you working together...?" Kaito muttered before turning to me. "Whatever. Do as you wish, but just don't drag me down."

"Yuya is not fighting this time?" Grace had a disappointed expression on her face. "That's boring. I was hoping to see more of his Duel. Oh well, since that Kaito Tenjo is participating, this dull Duel should be over in a flash, especially if you take into account the Obelisk Force's non-existent skills."

"Oi, watch what you're saying, Grace." Gloria scolded her sister. "Even if the Obelisk Force is worthless, you shouldn't be that vocal about it."

"As always, you two are totally my pace characters..." Mamoru said as his eye twitched. "More importantly however, my calculations have been thrown into total disarray after all these repeated blunders. If we fail to subdue the Lancers here, the Professor will be terribly displeased and I will definitely lose my position as Chief of Staff!"

"It looks like Noroma-chan is worrying about useless staff as always." Grace said with a grin. "You really should learn to relax a bit."

"My name is Noro Mamoru as I've had to remind you time and time again!" Mamoru complained. "And don't tell me to relax when my promising career is on the line! Obelisk Force, you'd better defeat these guys in a flash, you hear me ?!"

"So the infamous Tenjo Kaito and another one of those pesky Lancers will be our opponents, huh?" Obelisk Red smirked. "That's a perfect opportunity to get rid of two persistent thorns in Academia's side in one fell swoop. We'll make sure to thoroughly teach you what a terrible mistake it was to pick a fight with-"

"Just shut up already." I cut them off while glared at the trio. "I'm in no mood for your usual blabbing shit. I will end you, and that will be that!"

"Very well." Yellow sneered. "If you're that eager to perish, who are we to try and dissuade you? But don't come crying to us later when the pain becomes too much for you to handle!"


Mizael LP: 4000
Kaito LP: 4000
Red LP: 4000
Yellow LP: 4000
Green LP: 4000

"We will go first!" Red declared.

Turn 1

"I activate Polymerization! I Fuse my Three Hunting Hound on my hand! Mechanical hounds that carry on the ancient spirits! Flock together and become one with a new power! Fusion Summon! Appear now, Level 7! Ancient Gear Triple Hunting Hound!"

Ancient Gear Triple Hunting Hound ( ATK 1800/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Fusion/LV 7 )

"That Monster again ?" Sawatari commented from the side. "Man, these guys really need to find a new strategy."

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