Thinking that John cared little about how she felt now, it scared her less. He scared her less. She was scared to talk about what had happened through her relationship, to truly put it all out there for her friends, for strangers. That was what scared her now.

Taking Gabriels hand again, they walked into the courthouse quickly to avoid being soaked in the pouring rain that continued to fall after days.

Ashley let Gabriel take her coat from her body, she let him wrap an arm around her waist as they walked through the nice hallways and past rooms, checking up at a desk to where they were supposed to be.

A lady directed them to a room where they were met with everyone who was here early like them. Removing his hand from hers, Gabriel let her go to go to Danny as he stayed behind a bit.

"Hey, Ash." Ashley said nothing as she buried her face into her friend's chest, hugging him tightly. Danny rubbed her back and ran a hand through her straightened hair, sighing as she clutched onto him for a moment.

Danny was there through it all and Ashley was more than thankful that he stayed with her through everything as well. She was glad he was here to back her up, to speak out, to be there for her. Ashley couldn't ever say how thankful she was for a friend like Danny. A friend who would go against his morals for her sanity.

There was no way to describe how good of a friend he was, and she could only express it right now through that lifeline hug they had, that they always had at moments like this. Hard, life changing moments. This hug was everything to her, and to Danny.

Danny was truly her backbone and best friend, he was her brother through everything.

He looked up while hugging Ashley, looking at Gabriel and nodding to him slightly. A small thank you until they could talk. He kissed Ashley's head gently before moving so she could see someone else.

Watching Ashley go and hug Summer next, both of Ashleys boys stood by each other and watched her walk off and talk, smiling at people lightly.

"I...I don't know if i've said this, but thank you. For everything you've done for her. She deserves it." Danny didn't look at Gabriel but watched Ashley, he meant what he said though.

"I know. She deserves the world."

"She does. She...She deserves someone like you." Gabriel looked at Danny with a questioning look before Danny turned his face to see Gabriel and smiled. "It's not hard to put the pieces together Gabriel. She's lucky to have someone like you to care about her. She does deserve it. You're not a bad I guess I can let you slide when it comes to dating her."

"We aren't dating. Yet." Gabriel smiled and looked over to Danny, shrugging and sighing. He wanted Ashley to be his, to be his forever. He knew that. The sudden rush of feelings he had for her was overwhelming. He hadn't ever felt this way for anyone in his life.

Ashley was some other kind of feeling. That feeling compelled Gabriel for reasons he didn't know, and he didn't want to know. He just knew that she was the one. The one he needed in his life right now. The one he wanted in his life.


"Yet." Smiling lightly at Danny and then the floor, both boys smiled and stared at the floor or ceiling. Content for the moment as they came to a mutual agreement about Ashley. That their sweet, beautiful, kind brunette deserved more than she had been dealt in life. She deserved the moon, the sun, and every planet that someone could buy. She deserved so much more than a mediocre apartment and court cases. She deserved more than no family and an abused romantic life. She deserved so much more than everything anyone on earth could offer.

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