Katoptronophilia (Dabi/Toga)

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Dirty talk, slight belly bulge, Katoptronophilia
(Basically sex in front of mirrors)

"Look at you, what would Shigiraki say now?"
"Never knew how much mirrors could change sex."

Top! Dabi

Toga slipped through the door, shutting it quietly behind her.

She tiptoed through the house, trying her hardest to remain quiet. She stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, pulling out a bag of shredded cheese.

She shut the fridge, eyes needing to adjust to the dark. Light from the street peeked into the small kitchen, bouncing off the tile into the room.

She opened the bag and began to eat her snack.

"You're really eating my cheese, aren't you? And you're late." A familiar voice said from the doorway.

Toga turned and faced him. Dabi was stood in the doorway, arms crossed, and a frown on his face.

"What are you doing up?" She asked before shoveling more cheese into her mouth.

"Where were you?" Dabi inquired, ignoring her question.


"Out where? You know the rules Toga."

She threw her hands up in the air, "Why does it matter? I'm twenty, you're not in control of me."

Dabi pinched the bridge if his nose, "I know. I just want you to be careful."

Toga put away the cheese and stood in front of Dabi. "I know you do. Please don't interrogate me."

Dabi moved out of the doorway and she moved past him to her room.

"I won't tell them you know?"

"Won't tell them what?"

"That you go see your parents still. I do it too, I'm just glad you don't interact."

"Thank you. Goodnight Dabi."

And with that, Toga disappeared into her room for the night.

Dabi went back to his, having to go past Shigiraki's room to get there.

He laid down about thirty minutes after their conversation and went to sleep.


The next morning, Dabi woke up to Toga. When she has bad nights, she comes into Dabi's room.

She's the reason he stopped locking his door. 

He sat up, looking at himself in the mirror that's mounted on the wall at the end of his bed.

His red roots were coming back through and he looked rough. Toga was sleeping peacefully, her hair thrown on the pillow in a halo.

Dabi rolled over and touched Toga's shoulder, leaning close to her ear. "It's time to get up." He said softly, trying not to startle her.

He rubbed her shoulder and she began to stir. She stretched like a cat and rolled over.

She opened her eyes, Dabi still over her leaning on his right elbow.

She looked at him, a slight smile on her face. "You're always a bitch in the morning." She threw herself up after that, attempting to escape as his arm shot out and held her down.

"Oh no, you don't." She play fought against him and he proceeded to tickle her mercilessly.

Laughs and gasps filled the room, she tried to fight back and tickle him but failed miserably.

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