Domination (Todoroki/Momo)

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Dirty talk, Semi public sex, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering

Bartender! Todoroki
No Quirks AU

"The thought of bending you over the counter won't leave my mind."
"I'm going turn you around and you're going to take it like a good girl."

Top! Todoroki

Momo found herself sitting in her car in the pouring rain, the neon lights from the bar ahead slightly blinding her.

She took a deep breath and turned off the car. She got her purse and quickly exited the vehicle, before running to the covered area in front of the bar.

She looked inside the window and saw that it was pretty busy. She bit her lip and glanced back to her car. "No, you're not going to chicken out! You need a drink!"

With that, she pulled the handle and stepped inside. She looked around for a moment before finding an empty seat at the bar.

She made her way over, scoping out her surroundings. TVs were playing football, music was some jazz? She couldn't quite tell with all the noise from the chatter of customers.

She finally took her seat and set her purse in her lap. She looked at the sign on the back wall, "Zu Bar, that's cheesy."

Her view was quickly blocked with a man, "What can I get for you tonight?"

She looked at him, "A cosmopolitan please."

He smiled and mumbled, "Coming right up!"

She looked around the bar once more, some people were starting to leave or settle in for a second or third round of drinks.

"One cosmopolitan for the cute girl." He pushed the drink towards her. She smiled and took the drink, raising it to her lips.

His eyes never left her, "So what brings you in tonight?" She set her drink back down with an audible thud. "I'm single as of a few hours ago, needed to wash that memory away."

He nodded, "Sorry about that. Or congrats?"

She shrugged, "We were engaged, he'd been cheating on me for a while."

"Oh well, then congrats!" He raised a beer and toasted her on the occasion.

"I came here for... Honestly, I don't know what I came for."

"If you're looking for a distraction, you came to the right place." He said, putting his arms out. "Bars are made for a distraction."

He leaned onto the bar towards her and whispered, "or hookups if you're interested." She could feel the smirk in his tone.

She blushed and spoke softly, "What if I was, big boy?"

He chuckled and confessed, "Do you think you could handle something like that, kitty?"

A sudden clatter pulls them apart and Momo is met with a blond smiling at her.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing here all alone?" He asks, resting his arm on the bar.

She smiles politely and speaks, "Just getting a drink, same as everyone else."

He nods, "I'll get you another, least I can do for a lovely lady like yourself." He looks to the bartender and says, "Another of what she wants."

She looks at the bartender and nods sheepishly. "Another cosmopolitan coming up." He said hardly as he began to make it.

She looks back at the man and asks, "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask. What's your name? I'm Momo."

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