Chapter 42 - Kari

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Between Ayn's healing touch and James' care, it took me and Storm some days to recover from the aftermath of the unplanned challenge.

Once my scars disappeared, I didn't think much about that fight anymore. My mate's belly was growing and I got again busy enjoying the pup's kicks and trying not to panic about the whole birth story.

In the rare times when she wasn't asleep, Ayn was super excited. I was also happy, but as spring was advancing and the due date was coming closer, I had more and more flashbacks of the time when I had held the tiny lifeless body of my first born in my arms.

I even briefly considered proposing to my Advanced Healer  witch mate to give birth in a hospital, but I saw how she could perceive that as a disrespectful ask and potentially end up with me being permanently disabled, so I didn't.

I literally worked my way through fear by training harder and longer, and - when that was not enough to silence the demons which kept hissing at me that this mate will also die - by doing voluntary double shifts up on the Pass.

Tonight at dinner, when Ayn had stayed upstairs because she was feeling under the weather, my father said casually:

"I do need to see you in my office, Kari"

Storm emerged, ready to tear through his throat. When I was a pup this phrase was code for „We'll discuss whatever your transgression of the day is while I wear out my belt on your back."

I reminded my wolf that I am now a fully grown Alpha and at low risk of leaving my father's office bleeding. I did look at Xander with a questioning look, but, per his usual behaviour he didn't feel the need to provide any details about his ask.

I followed him to his study on the first floor and he invited me to sit. He had continued the investigation as to why Greg had targeted our pack from all possible ones. He had spoken to other Alphas including Greg's father, and they all thought it had something to do with Ayn.

"My mate is perfect in all regards, but I find it hard to believe that he decided on Eagle Rock because of her. Hell, there are many Land Core Alphas with mates that you could consider hot " I told him, laughing at his absurd research conclusion.

"It's not because she's hot, it's because she is a witch, a green witch with healing powers."

My stomach sank and I instantly remembered the conversation I had with Ayn about the thoroughly redacted report the Witches' Council had released to her.

She had said it was strange that all three victims had been green witches. She had made a joke that one would have more reasons to kidnap them than to kill them. I waved my hand at Xander to continue, although I knew what he was going to say next.

"You see, witches working for the Shifter's Territory are a rare thing. There are some, contracted by packs, but they only come over when needed. I think Ayn's mother was the last one that actually resided with a pack and then only for a year or so, until she met her soulmate. In addition, witches can request at anytime to be released from their contract and leave the pack."

"But a Luna cannot." I whispered in disbelief.

"Exactly, under the rules of the unplanned challenge, the Luna can be claimed as chosen mate."

"The Land is ridiculous." I stood up to pace around nervously, so that I don't start breaking stuff around his office. Or my phone, because Ayn had made it very clear to me that it is the last one I am getting this year.

"It's the Wolves' Way."

"Well, it's ridiculous. Seriously, this crap with the unplanned challenge is what? Five hundred years old? Our kind lived hidden in the woods and all the Land was for humans only!"

Ayn's HealingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora