Chapter 37 - Kari

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Today is my mate's twentieth birthday, the day when she should get her witch wings.

Ayn has worked stubbornly in the last two years at growing her core, while still maintaining a regular schedule with Lex. Under his guidance her mind power wielding had developed nicely enough that I was able to remain relatively calm when she was AWOL.

Although in the recent months I knew where she was  most of the time - on some political visit in the Shifter Territory, building her own relations with the other female leaders.

The Land Core packs accepted her without difficulty, for the simple fact that she was Land Core. We were all in the same crap - trying to keep rogues away from the regular humans - and so it was not necessary to make our lives hard by being judgemental.

The Northern Hills were mixed. Some packs considered the mate bond sacred and they revered Ayn for the choice she had made, to move in the Mountains. Others didn't really like witches, but they very much liked my warriors joining their raids, and so they were polite enough with my mate.

The Eastern Hills however, were a hellhole of Split defenders and so neither of us bothered too hard to build relations with them.

Between me trying to maintain a perfect zero breaches score on the Pass and her Luna duties, we still tried to have time for us as normal people. 

We had board game nights with the Beta couple and the Gammas.

We sometimes went on dates, going down to the valley for dinner and drinks.

We watched stars from our balcony and Ayn spawned fireflies with which, in the beginning, she wrote only my name in the sky, and then progressed to scribbling little compliments for me. I still remember the night when she conjured a giant swarm of glowing insects and spelled KARI SHAGS BEST above our house. Now I am laughing by myself thinking about it, but back then I didn't know how to convince her to make them disappear faster, because flattered as I was, I did not want my skills advertised to the whole Pass Street One massif.
That would have made for one awkward conversation with Rio on Friday.

We have also hiked on all the paths of our territory, except one.

Today we will correct that.

"Mmm, you smell delicious," she tells me rubbing her sleepy face in my neck.
"Happy Birthday, my beautiful amazing Luna. I come bearing gifts," I inform her as I place my first offering next to her pillow.

The box contains a flawlessly tailored one-piece suit, made from soft leather, free of any accessories with the exception of a long front zipper and belt loops on the shoulders and at the waist. 

"Thank you, it's beautiful...I guess," she says with a confused smile.

"Before you think I am crazy to bring you the skin of forest creatures - know that I had it made in a witches' workshop that specializes in recycling leather. The animals that gave the materials for this suit  have received multiple generations of thanks and apologies. However, feel free to add your own before you wear it."

After two years together I have understood her relation with nature, even though I still feel the need to be ironic about it.

"I will." She relaxes a bit, then squints at me and asks: "But where is the crotch zipper?"

"You truly have a dirty mind, love, and make no mistake, I highly appreciate that," I mutter dizzy with arousal and I have to kiss her shortly before I continue:

"However, this is not what you think. It's a flight suit and the loops are there so you can wrap your medicine bag through them.
Now, I have taken my whole day off to be with you. Where can I take you for your first flying session? To a tall tree? A building? Do you need to jump off a cliff?" I ask her, laughing.

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