Ch 26 - Sacrifice

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Dream told them about the prophecy and its meaning. The mermen gasped as Dream explained how they have been in the prophecy years ago

Karl: George and I became friends around that time! We were 3 back then!

George: But why us?

Sapnap: Never doubt a prophesy, no matter the situation or type

George: Then if we're there, does that mean we'll lead the mersharks?

Dream: Correct, but according to the Hall, it shows that we'll defeat the humans with us 4

Sapnap: Us four against them??

Dream: No, we'll have the mersharks with us, but we're doing the final attack

They all nodded as they swam out of the private room. "How was it?" Queen Solstice asks as Dream gives her a nod and they swim out

"We're going out for a while," Sapnap tells her as she waves goodbye to them. The 4 swim towards the open as they all stretch

"It's been a while since we've seen the light!" Karl says as he arches his back and stretches. He smiles as Sapnap swims close to him an plants a kiss on his lips

Meanwhile, Dream was looking at them, slightly jealous, but then turned to look at George as the blue merman was looking up

"Guys?" he says as they look up, seeing a giant boat passing by as the mermen watched it move slower, seeing humans poke their heads out

"Oh no! It's father's!" George panicked, remembering the last time he saw that boat, his father was there

The mermen wanted to swim back to the kingdom, but George was tired of this. He was now the target for his father, and worrying is not an option

"We need to gain their attention," George said as the mermen gasped

Karl: The last time that happened, we were attacked!

Sapnap: I nearly died!

Dream: I have a trauma!

George: That's my father! At home, he wanted to catch me!


George: DREAM! Listen to me!

Dream: *breaking* NO! We're not going to gain their attention! I don't want to lose you!

Sapnap: Dream?

Dream: *sobbing* So please let's just...hide!

George cupped his hands as Dream swam and sat in the center of the hands. George lifted his head with his finger, seeing tears float away from his eyes

"Dream, I will be careful. If all goes wrong, I am willing to attack my own father. He left me for a job, and I will never accept his apology for that. I just need you to trust me."

Dream smiled and swam up to his face, hugging as much as possible. George leaned in with the merman and gently grabbed him to face him, placing a soft kiss on his head as the blue merman looked at the others

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