Ch 12 - Makara

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Sapnap read through every journal and diary of whoever wrote this. This sea creature or merperson really enjoys the Beacon, for it is written that every one of them had quite some adventures

What surprised the prince is that in every entry, it says that the Beacon feels miserable, just like when Dream broke in front of Sapnap

"Seems like they really wished they were free," Sapnap mumbled. Even though the Beacon has free will to say no to a prophesy, they don't want to carry the guilt and become responsible for their actions

"Who dares come to my lair!?" a voice said as Sapnap turned to see no one. He heard someone coming around as he took out his dagger

"Who's there?!" Sapnap asks as he heard a growl, "I am Makara! Why are you here, merman?!" The prince noticed a long tail with scales as he was surprised

He bowed as Makara just stared at him with confusion. "Sea Dragon, I am Prince Sapnap of the Fire Coral Kingdom! My apologies for entering your...lair! I am looking for the Beacon, for he had passed somewhere around here."

Makara gasped as he swam down. It was a sea dragon, a mythical creature Sapnap thought they had died millions of years ago, but it seems this one is the last

"I am sorry for startling you, Your Majesty. I was waiting for the next Beacon to come visit me, but alas, he did not," Makara said as he bent his head down

Sapnap was a little surprised and excited to meet the giant sea dragon, but he did feel a little weird talking with an ancient creature

"Pardon me, but the Beacon is in the surface," Sapnap said, waiting for the dragon to make a fit or get upset, but it stayed calm

"Ah! Another one." he said as the dragon slithered towards the chest with his entries. "It seems like the chain continues."

Sapnap: Chain? What do you mean?

Makara: Every Beacon has gone to the surface for a reason

Sapnap: WHAT?!

Makara: He's not the first one. There's Pearl, Ula, Dune, Alon, Ryuku, Ray, Kai, Cove, Oshun, Tethys, and Lotan

Sapnap: All of those are the names of each Beacon?!

Makara: Why yes!

Sapnap: Who was the first?

Makara: Merman named Aoi, but what is the new Beacon's name?

Sapnap: Dream

Makara: I'd like to see him, but first, let me clean up a bit

As Makara was cleaning his lair, Sapnap was surprised to know the names of the previous Beacons, but it still left him thinking

"The Beacons who went to the surface, did they had a prophesy? With the humans?" the prince asked as the dragon smiled, "Of course."

"But why?" Sapnap asks as Makara swished his tail to sweep the mess. "I heard it's the only way for them to escape the sea, or maybe to meet the humans, but the common one is for love."

The Little Beacon (GT DNF Merman AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant