Bloody Rose Petals

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February 11th, 2022

      Holy shit. This morning when I woke up in my dorm, there were flowers on my coffee table and a note. I've always hated Valentines Day because people would make a mockery of me. They'd send me fake flowers or a fake love note asking to be my valentine. I hate it so much. I got bullied for it all the time afterwards. I'll never live down all those years. I always got my hopes up that it was Kokichi.

      One day a few years ago, I realized I had fallen in love with Kokichi Ouma. Then over time, that's when the cramping started every time I hung out with him. Then gradually, I started to hurl. I wasn't throwing up vomit thought... I was throwing up bloody rose petals. I was so shocked and confused. I was so stunned that I had Hanahaki disease.

      Anyways, I checked the flowers, and all the card had was a purple heart written on it. Purple? Why that? Shouldn't it be red or pink? Wait! Is it Kokichi? He has purple hair and eyes! But his favorite color is blue like mine. Oh it's probably just some stupid ass prank again. Whatever... I have to get to class anyway.

I close my journal before gathering my things to go to English, which I have with Kokichi. My face flushes red at the thought of him. He's so cute! I love his beautiful smile, and his adorable laugh. He has the most amazing jokes and he always knows just how to make me laugh! I grow flustered as my stomach cramps. Get a grip on yourself, Shuichi!

I walk into English class as Kokichi waves me over to him. "Good morning, my beloved Saihara-chan! I missed you so much!" Kokichi exclaims hugging me. My stomach cramps so much as I flush red. I have to ignore the pain in my stomach for now. I want to be with him for awhile. What's unfortunate though, is that the feelings Kokichi has for me seems fake. He's also like this with Rantaro, so why do I even bother? Well, the answer is my emotional attachment and love for this liar.

"I missed you too?" I reply as more of a question, but we both know I did miss him. I'm clingy. Kokichi smiles at me, his eyes full of joy.

"Are you guys excited for Valentines Day?" Kaede asks, a bright smile on her face. I shrug, but Kokichi nods exaggeratedly. Kaede giggles as a reply. I glance down at the smiling Kokichi as he stays latched onto me. I don't think he notices, but I sure do. I guess I could stay like this for awhile. I don't care if I have to choke up petals.

"I'm super excited! Especially for the dance!" Kokichi exclaims. I laugh nervously at that. I forgot about the dance... Fuck. I normally never go, but this year Kokichi seems to be going. Maybe he'll ask me to it? Or maybe I could ask him?

"How come?" I ask Kokichi. He looks up at me, a shit-eating grin on his face. 

"No reason." He replies, letting go of me. I immediately want him back in my grasp, but he's already across the room with Rantaro. I frown, looking down at the floor. Kaede sets her hand on my shoulder as I sigh. She knows I've had feelings for Kokichi, but she also knows Kokichi won't return them.

"It's okay, Shuichi. I'm sure he'll feel the same way some day!" Kaede replies trying to be positive. I smile at her sadly as my stomach burns. "I have to use the bathroom... I'll be back." I tell Kaede as I start walking away. I wait until I'm out of view before running down the hall to the bathroom. 

I hunch over the toilet as the petals spill past my lips. They're purple mixed with blood. This feeling is awful. It's like reliving a stabbing over and over again. I exhale as I sit against the stall, wiping the small bit of blood on my lips. 

This day is gonna be awful.

February 13th, 2022

      Well, here we are. The night before Valentines Day. I received a card today with Kokichi's initials. I can't help but get my hopes up now! We've been friends for four years, four valentine's days. Three of which I've been madly in love with him for. I was always just too scared to ask him out. 

Saiouma OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora