Drunken Liar

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!Post game Au!
!Everyone from the game lives together!
!Kiibo is human!
!Kinda angst? I dunno!

Shuichi's POV:

    Everyone but myself, Angie, and Kaito went to bed for the night. Angie and myself are waiting on Kokichi and Miu to come home, and Kaito's waiting with me because he's bored. The clock chimes two in the morning, and I yawn. Angie's asleep on my shoulder, and Katio's rambling about space things. As soon as Kokichi gets him, I am scolding the shit out of him, and I know whenever I tell Kiibo about how late Miu came home, he'll be scolding her as well.

About half an hour later, Kokichi and Miu walk through the door. "Nah, fuck th-that!" Miu hiccups. "He deserved that! Grabbing your ass like that." I'm sorry, what? Someone grabbed my Kokichi's what?!

"Okay, but I would've dealt with it." Kokichi replies, stumbling next to Miu. "He was just a stalker fan, or something."

"And why are you two home so late?" My voice makes the both of them jolt as they come into the living room. Kokichi looks like a frozen deer in headlights. He knows he's in trouble.

"Because someone grab-." Miu starts only to have Kokichi slap a hand over her mouth.

"Shh! I don't wanna be in trouble, he might leave me like everyone else." Kokichi whispers, giggling at the last part. I think that he thinks I'm deaf.

"They're home, I'm gonna go to bed, I'll take Angie up as well." Kaito says, not wanting to be involved. He slowly picks Angie up before taking her back to her's and Tsumugi's room.

"Okay, what the hell happened?" I ask, my detective face on. Kokichi hates it when I interrogated him with a cold face and tone, but that seems to be the only way to get the truth out of him.

"Okay, bitch, you can go to bed now since you're more drunk than me." Kokichi says, patting Miu's shoulder.

"I'm more drunk?! Mother fucker, you cried on my shoulder in the bathroom for half an hour!" Miu exclaims back.

"Shut up! You're gonna wake everyone up! And I did not, I was just laughing too hard." Kokichi replies, lying.

"Sure~ cause repeating how you think Shu-." Kokichi covers her mouth again.

"Shh! Go to bed!" Kokichi hisses as Miu leans on him for support.

"Yeah, Kiibo's gonna beat my ass tomorrow." She mutters, stumbling up the stairs. I raise an eyebrow at the shorter boy before his smile, and demeanor change completely. My expression softens as Kokichi curls up in a ball on my lap. I hold him close, placing gentle kisses on the side of his head.

"What's the matter?" I ask, stroking Kokichi's hair. He hiccups before clinging to me.

"Someone grabbed my butt, and then M-Miu beat him up. Whenever she fought him, he was still reaching for me saying that-that he loved me so much. He was just creepy, and stalker-like." Kokichi explains, slurring his words slightly. I nod, anger boiling in me. For some reason, Kokichi's had the worst fan behavior to deal with. People adore him, and he adores most of his fans. The kind ones who come over to him and politely ask for a picture, and if he says no, they just give him a hug and go on their way! Too bad, there's not as many of those as there are stalker, and inappropriate fans.

"I'm sorry, Kichi... I wish that I could make it stop, but I can't." I reply, holding the back of his head as if it's more fragile than glass. "What made you drink tonight, love?"

"I killed Gonta and Miu one year ago today." Kokichi just stares at the wall. "You also told I was alone, and I always would be..."

"Kokichi, I said it because I was upset, I didn't mean it..." I reply, guilt overtaking me.

"I know, but part of me still thinks you meant it." Kokichi says, about to stand up, but I don't let him.

"No, no, no, Kokichi I didn't mean it. It was a heat of the moment thing, and I promise it was only out of anger!" I try to reason with the shorter. He shakes his head, crying now.

"Anger brings out the truth in people."

"Kokichi, please! I didn't-." He breaks away from my grip before standing up. I stand up as well, following Kokichi to the kitchen.

"You didn't mean it, I get it. You say it every time the subject comes about..." He trails off, wiping his tears before getting a glass of water.

"Please, be reasonable. It was a year ago!" I exclaim, pleading for Kokichi to understand. My yell must've wakened a few people. There's shuffling on the stairs.

"Shuichi, even though it was a year ago, that was the most hurtful moment of my fucking life! The one that I loved most told me I would be alone forever, and that I was alone then!" Kokichi yells, tears streaming down his face.

"I know... and I'm sorry! Kokichi, I am more sorry for that moment than any other in my life! I know what that did to you. You didn't have to kill yourself as quickly as you did." I reply, grabbing Kokichi's hand. "I know that what I said hurt you. I know it's going to leave a scar! And I know that it's my fault, but please, I'm sorry..."

Kokichi silently wraps his arms around my waist. "I know..."

I hold onto Kokichi as if he's all I have, because let's face it, he is. I surpress the tears in my eyes, as Kirumi comes around the corner. "You two should head up to bed."

"Who else is around that corner." I reply, knowing damn well we woke other people up. Kokichi starts to feel like dead weight in my arms, he must've passed out. I lift him as if he's a toddler while Kirumi glances behind her.

"Just Maki, Tsumugi, and Rantaro." She replies. I nod and walk past her back upstairs.

"Goodnight, guys." I say, looking at Tsumugi, Maki, and Rantaro. They look tired, but worried. Rantaro nods at me as I reach our bedroom.

I change Kokichi into more comfortable clothes before tucking him into bed. I change as well before lying down next Kokichi.

"I really am sorry..." I mutter, holding him close. In his sleep, Kokichi rolls over to hug to me. Some things never change... I smile and plant a small kiss on Kokichi's head before falling asleep as well.

Kokichi, you are never alone. You never were...

Saiouma OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora