Birthday Kisses

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!Post game AU!

Shuichi's POV:

"Happy birthday, Shushu, goodnight." Kokichi whispers as he kisses my forehead. He just walked in the bedroom, probably just coming home from work. Kokichi works as a detective with me, we're partners on most cases. After the killing game, and after Kokichi was better, we decided his deduction and lying skills were needed in the field. It was a long while before Kokichi could start working due to his mentality.

Everyone in the game was physically okay, but we can't say the same for our mental state. We all had to under-go intense therapy, hell Kokichi and I still go from time to time. Mainly Kokichi wants to go, but is too scared to go alone, so I normally sit in on sessions with him. I'm glad he trusts me enough to let me do all of these things.

During the game, Kokichi and I had feelings for each other, but we never confessed, and Kokichi definitely didn't trust me as much, but now he trusts me more than anyone. I love him a lot, and I'm glad he's alive.

"Why are you home so late? It's midnight." I ask the shorter male. Kokichi smiles at me before kicking his shoes off. I tiredly rub my eye as Kokichi leans over to kiss me.

"I finished your work while I was there. I didn't want you to stress about work on your birthday, so I decided to flip roles and be the one coming home late." He explains with a soft smile. I smile and hug Kokichi down to the bed. He's still in his work clothes, but I don't think he cares.

"Mm, you're my favorite person." I sleepily mutter into his shoulder. Kokichi giggles before kissing my head.

"Go back to sleep, darling, I love you." Kokichi says hugging me still.

"Mm, I love you too." I close my eyes, drifting off to sleep...

    The next morning, I wake up to Kokichi still sleeping. He somehow ended up clinging onto me, and we kind of switched places. I kiss his forehead, petting his head. Kokichi's eyes slowly flutter open as he looks up at me. "Happy birthday, again." He says with sleepy eyes.

"Thank you, Kichi. I love you."

"I love you too, Shumai."

Kokichi pecks my lips three times before jumping out of bed. "C'mon, we have things to do!" He exclaims, smiling.

"W-What?" I ask, sitting up, and rubbing my eyes.

"Your day is booked, Shushu! It's about ten in the morning, so we're gonna get dressed, and then we are going to brunch with everyone from Monokuma's game of hell." Kokichi's smile falters at the nickname. I walk around before tilting his chin up. I kiss him before ruffling his hair.

"If Maki gives you any shit today, let me know." I say, kissing Kokichi's cheek. He smiles before nodding. We get ready for the day before heading out to the brunch.

Kokichi drives for once, me in the passenger seat. The car is quiet aside from Kokichi's soft singing to the radio. Ever since the killing game, him and Maki constantly fight still. She can't get over how Kokichi killed himself, and basically brought Kaito with him. Kaito and Kokichi get along now, only the occasional bickering. Maki's just a cruel kind of person who can't move past it. I've been nice to her, and I try not to be rude, but whenever she tries to attack Kokichi, then I have a problem.

"Kokichi, I love you more than anything." I blurt out of nowhere. Kokichi stops singing, and starts smiling.

"I love you too... y'know, as much as I despised the killing game, I'm somewhat thankful for it. If I had never been trapped there, I wouldn't met you." Kokichi replies. "I mean, who knew that I'd have to get crushed by a hydraulic press to get my crush to notice me?"

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