Freeze Your Brain

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Fluff my dudes! :)
But, there's a TW for sexual harrassment on the backstory!

Shuichi's POV:

     I sit down on the sofa of my dorm room that I share with my roomate and boyfriend, Kokichi Ouma. I continute to read the mystery novel that I've been reading, only to have it swiped from my hands. "Shushu, I'm bored!" Kokichi whines as he tosses the book on the coffee table. I sigh before catching the small leader as he jumps into my lap. Kokichi cuddles his head into my chest, still holding onto my neck.

"Kichi, I know we're on break, but it's almost midnight. It's late and you should just go to bed if you're bored." I try to reason with the purple haired male in my lap.

"No! I'm not tired." Kokichi replies, sitting up to face me. I sigh before moving hair out of Kokichi's face. He smiles before widening his eyes. "I have an idea! Let's go for a slushie run!"

"No, sweetheart, I know how you get with sugar before going to bed." I respond, sighing a little bit. Kokichi frowns before crying crocodile tears.

"Waaa! Shuichi's so mean! I just wanted a p-purple slushie!" Kokichi screams in a fit. I roll my eyes before flicking him on the forehead.

"No, I'm not mean. I just don't want you going to bed late." I reply. "I've gotta care about your health, you know?" I stand up, stretching a little bit while Kokichi pouts. You learn at some point that you can't give into him. He's very persuasive and persistant at times, but man, you've just got to make sure you hold you ground no matter what.

"Hey, Shuichi?" Kokichi's voice makes me suddenly turn around.

"Yes, love?" I ask the shorter man.

"I'll tell everyone at school about your birthmark."

"Fuck you, get your shoes on. We're making it quick."

Kokichi giggles at my defeat before kissing me on the cheek. "Thank you, my beloved." I sigh, heavily before putting on my shoes beside Kokichi.

"Now look who's the meanie, threatening my insecurity." I say, sadly as I guilt trip Kokichi into buying. Kokichi looks at me, frowning a little bit.

"You um..." Kokichi stammers, looking guilty as he slides on his jacket. I slide mine on, pretending to be sad.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'm sorry, and I'll pay." Kokichi says, falling for my guilt trip.

"I want kisses too." I tell him. Kokichi rolls his eyes at me before giving me a kiss on my cheek. I smile and unlock the door so that we can leave.

      I drive for about five minutes before arriving at the seven-eleven. Kokichi eagerly gers out of the car, meeting me in front of the double doors. Kokichi grabs onto my arm, dragging me inside. I chuckle and roll my eyes at the cute boy's childish behavior. Kokichi can be a handful at times, but I still love him for it. I don't know where I'd be without this short, adorble, purple little shit.

Kokichi pulls me over to the slushie machine. He stares at it for a moment before frowning. "They don't have purple." The leader pouts. I chuckle softly before grabbing two cups. I may have an idea... "You get blue, I'll get red." I tell Kokichi. He sighs before grabbing the cup.

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