Chapter Twenty Seven: Kill Them All

Start from the beginning

"Damira," a voice said softly, and I couldn't tell if it was in my head or not. "It's almost time..."

"Almost time for what?" I asked, barely getting the words out.

"For you to embrace who you are..."

The voice started to fade, but I couldn't let it go yet. It sounded like me. I needed to hear more. "Where am I?" I asked. "Who are you?"

I felt myself fade, sliding away into nothingness. I could almost recognize the voice. It was my voice, but warped, darker, and it hurt my brain and made me feel like my eyes were going to explode.

"You're going to kill them all."

I sat up with a start, my heart pounding, feeling very awake. The voice was gone. The tunnel was empty and silent. I felt around in the darkness, panicked, screaming, until I found Olivia's phone. I turned on the flashlight, and we were bathed in light.

The other two were laying beside me, barely stirring. "Are you guys okay?" I asked, panting, filling my lungs with the air that there was suddenly too much of. "Did the train hit you?"

"There was no train," Valerie said, staring at the ceiling. "There were some really weird colours, though. I kept thinking I was climbing Mount Everest, but then I realized that I was laying here. And then I thought that I was climbing it again, and then I realized that I was actually still just lying here. I think that happened about six times. I turned some music on to help us through it, but then my phone died and you were passed out, like, the whole time."

"Shit," I mumbled, sitting up. "There was no ice," I told her.

"What was in that sushi?" Valerie asked.

"I don't know, some guy gave it to me when I got here. Parties, amiright?" Olivia asked.

I groaned, burying my head in my hands. "You... ate and let us eat something that a random guy at a drug infested party gave you?"

"Come to think of it, it did taste kinda funky," she replied. "Sorry, shoulda realized it was doused in hallucinogens. I actually had an alright trip after the people in the tunnel went away. I was so scared they were gonna find me. How was yours?"

"There was no one in the tunnel," Valerie told her. "You should probably go get checked for PTSD."

"Mine was really painful," I said. "My whole body hurt, and I thought my head was going to explode."

"Well, you've had some mild psychedelics in your system your whole life," Valerie said. "They've developed alongside you, so it's not like you're constantly tripping, you've built up an immunity to them. So it makes sense that if you took another kind, they would clash."

We got up, and tried to find out way out of the tunnel. "There's like, no one here," Valerie commented when we reached the place the party had been at. "They must have all gone home. How long were we out for?"

"Around eight hours, it seems," Olivia said, looking at her phone.

"Are you guys hungry?" Valerie asked. "We could go to that diner we met Beatrix at, I don't think it's far from here."

"I don't think I was with you at the time," Olivia said.

"So, are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" I asked.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Valerie asked.

"Not really," I admitted. "But I think we should. Do you?"

"I mean, I don't wanna talk about it if you don't wanna talk about it," Valerie said.

"I don't see why we have to," Olivia contributed. "It was just some hallucinations. Nothing serious."

"It wasn't just a hallucination," I said, as we exited the station. "At least, not for me."

"What was it for you?" Valerie asked.

"I heard this... voice," I admitted. I had never told anyone about the voice before, so I was a bit nervous they would think I was crazy. Come to think of it, it was probably just my inner voice, one that everyone had. But it would never shut up when I tried to make it, and it always said the worst things, reminding me of my deepest fears and insecurities. "It said I was going to kill them all."

"That's wicked," Olivia said with a grin.

"No it's not!" I said. "It's creepy!"

"Okay, maybe it's a little creepy. But this is like some kinda fantasy novel! You have a destiny that came to you in a dream, more or less. That makes you the specialist of the special. No one is on your level. Maybe that's why no one has your powers."

"Not true, actually. Remember Sean? He can do weather stuff," Valerie said. "But we probably just got different powers cause the serum effected us differently."

"This isn't a fantasy novel," I said with a sigh. "That was just me being on drugs. But it was still scary."

"I heard voices too," Olivia offered. "I heard Thomas."

"I heard voices, but they were all jumbled," Valerie added.

"Okay, let's go to the cafe," Olivia said, feeling more confident. "We could all use a pick me up."

"I just want a chocolate chip cookie," Valerie said. "Like, that's it. It's all in the world I want."

"Here, I'll look at some bus schedules," Olivia said, pulling out her phone. "There should be a few still running." Her eyes widened as she looked at the screen. "Oh shit guys," she said, her voice shaking.

"What is it?" I asked. She looked at us with a fearful expression.

"Sean is dead."

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