Chapter Six: Back in Contact

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A/N: the ship is back on the water again 😭 I honestly haven't decided if I want Beatrix and Damira to get back together, I feel like they both deserve better lol. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Also, the next chapter is gonna be another one from Beatrix's POV, which I'm super exited to write lol

I hopped out of the car, partly to avoid Valerie's "who's Beatrix?" questions, partly to have the upcoming conversation in private. I felt guilt about calling Beatrix, as I pulled out my phone, after the way things ended last time I saw her. But this wasn't about us, it was about Olivia.

She picked up fast, as she always did. "You again?" was all she said, in a bored tone.

"Hello to you, too."

"I thought you didn't want contact with me anymore? Let me guess, you need something." It wasn't a question, and she wasn't guessing.

I guess I couldn't blame her for being cold. "Not me, necessarily. This is bigger than us," I told her. She didn't say anything, so I continued. "One of my friends has been kidnapped by Thomas and his guys. They almost got me too." She was still quiet, and I had to check if she had hung up. "I met someone," I told her, desperate to hold her attention. "Someone else with powers."

Beatrix snorted. "So have I, you're not special."

"I don't mean I've talked to her over the phone. I mean I have her with me right now," I told her.

"Okay, put her on the phone then."

"Valerie!" I called towards the car.

She opened the door and hopped out, looking confused. "What's up?"

"She wants to talk to you." I told her, putting the phone on speaker as she got closer.

"Um, hi. I'm Valerie," she told the phone.

"Wait, are you the Valerie?" Beatrix asked.

"I'd like to think so- wait, are you Amelia?" So she was still going by that name.

"You guys know each other?" I asked.

"Not personally," Beatrix explained. "She was on the list, so I called her. Genetic enhancement, the youngest out of all of us. A few redacted files, which was unusual."

"She left me a voice mail yesterday," Valerie told me. "Said her name was Amelia and asked if I had been experiencing anything... impossible. Said she wanted to talk to me about it. I freaked and didn't call her back. I would have mentioned it, but things have been kinda crazy these past few hours."

That was fair enough, I figured. "Do you believe me now?" I asked Beatrix, who confirmed that she did.

We went back inside the car, and quickly filled Evianna and Pluto in on everything. "So, you're Beatrix," Pluto said, as I set the phone between the four of us.

"In the fle- well, not really. I heard we've got a kidnapping situation on our hands."

I heard voices in the background on her end. "Where are you?" I asked. "It sounds busy."

"I'm in a diner," she said, lowering her voice. "I would have just stayed in the abandoned house, but you can't really live there, I ran out of food and my phone and laptop were about to die, so I went back to the city."

"You shouldn't be there," I said, worried. "They're looking for us everywhere."

"Oh trust me, I know. There are posters with pictures of our faces and a reward like it's the eighteen-fucking-hundreds. Right now I'm just trying to keep my head down and avoid suspicion."

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