Chapter Five: Reunion

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A/N: that chapter ended up being a lot more action packed then I planned! I didn't realize writing car chases would be so hard lol. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! But please don't be silent readers, this book is flopping more then I expected it to 😭

I felt a pang in my chest as I realized I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror in front of me. I had been washing my face and hands, and as I looked up from the sink, I felt disgust wash over me at the sight of myself. I didn't even look that bad, I had fixed my hair and cleaned the blood and dirt off my face, but when I looked into my own eyes, all I could see were the dead bodies hanging out of their cars in the middle of the street. The people I had killed.

I flinched as I heard a knock on the door. "Are you okay in there?" Valerie asked from the other side.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a sec," I called back.

I stepped back from the sink in the bathroom at the gas station we had found, pulling my bag over my shoulders. "We should get out of here," Valerie murmured through the wood. "The guy at the desk is asking questions."

I opened the door, and saw her standing right outside. She had washed the blood off her face, but the cut was still fresh and visible. No wonder the cashier was concerned for us. Her face fell slightly when she looked at me. She probably saw the haunted look in my eyes. She started to say something, but I interrupted her. "Let's hit the road," I said, walking past her. I couldn't deal with anyone's sympathy.

We walked through the gas station, and I felt déjà vu wash over me, as it was the same place Beatrix and I had stopped on our way to the city we had just left, getting off when the bus went no further and walking until we saw the gas station. I felt the familiar buzzing in the back of my head, as my powers built up. I knew it would happen eventually, I couldn't get my emotions to go away. But I didn't want to deal with my powers now. I was able to successfully keep them at bay, where they simmered below the surface, waiting for me to call on them. It had become almost painful to deny them lately, and it scared me. I didn't want to end up like Cashlin. But maybe I deserved to.

The bell dinged behind us as we walked out. The afternoon sun blared bright in the sky. I took my jacket off and tied it around my waist, just to give myself something to do.

"I grabbed some water and granola bars at the station store," Valerie said, hesitantly trying to make conversation. I just nodded. Her bag swung from her hand. "So, um, who are we meeting up ahead?"

"Evianna, I assume Pluto too. But I haven't heard from either of them since Evianna called me." My voice sounded so flat and emotionless, and I didn't even mean it to. It just happened.

Valerie sighed. "I- I'm sorry about what I said. Back at the.... the accident. I know it wasn't your fault."

"It's fine," I told her. "I would have been scared too."

"It was really scary," she whispered. "I thought you were dead. I thought I was going to die. And the bodies...."

"Don't think about it," I told her. "It only makes it worse."

"I can't stop seeing the bodies," she said shakily. "I can't believe we just left." I didn't say anything, just put my arm around her as we walked. I couldn't stop seeing them either.

"So, Olivia got kidnapped by those guys, right?" she finally asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I guess it's to bait me, since I don't know what else they would want her for.
I'm gonna get her back," I told her. "As soon as possible."

Valerie smiled. "I like this energy!" She laughed and I faked one, not wanting to make her feel bad. Just as I thought she would try to make conversation again, I saw a familiar sleek black car up ahead.

"That's them," I said, waving to the car as we walked closer. The doors opened, and I saw Evianna and Pluto hop out. I hurried over to them. Evianna pulled me into a hug, and Pluto joined us.

"Are you okay?" they asked me.

I shrugged. "I've been better."

The two of them stepped back, looking me over. "You look like you got in an accident." Evianna told me.

"I did. I'll tell you later." I remembered who had come with me, and stepped back, turning to her. She looked nervous and uncomfortable. "I brought Valerie." I said.

"I can see that." Evianna responded cooly. "Why?"

The two looked at each other, dislike on Evianna's face, nervousness on Valerie's. Then, the younger girl tossed her bag on the ground. "Because of this."

She raised her hand, and I saw ice crawling from it, and up her wrist. Her eyes flashed blue. The two others stared in shock. Valerie's hand was coated in ice, and the temperature around us had noticeably gotten colder. It didn't seem to affect her.

"Elsa?" Pluto whispered.

The tension broke, and we all laughed. This time, mine was real.

"Let's go to the car," I said, and we walked over to it. It felt strange sitting in that car without Olivia.

"So, what exactly happened?" Pluto asked, as Valerie passed around water bottles and granola bars. I leaned back in my seat, trying to get comfortable before beginning.

I told Pluto and Evianna everything, starting with the people crashing the party, and ending with when Evianna had called me. When I was done, they were looking at me in shock. "It was an accident," I murmured. "My powers are getting harder to control. If I don't figure it out, I'm probably gonna end up like Cashlin." I was unable to stop my voice from shaking at the end.

"Aww, honey," Evianna said, as she reached over to hug me.

"Where do you think she is?" Pluto asked, to know one in particular. "Where would they keep her?" I saw the worry in their eyes.

"I don't know," I admitted. "My best guess would be the underground bunker-place where they took me last time. But they know that we know it's there, so maybe not."

We were all silent for a moment. "What if it's a trap?" Evianna murmured. "I mean, what if they want us to go there?"

"Well, what do we suggest we do then?" Pluto asked, sounding annoyed. "We can't just leave her!"

"Pluto's right," I said. "I mean, she could be getting tortured or killed right now. We can't just sit around and wonder if it's a trap." The thought of it made my stomach turn. I should never have gotten any of these people involved in my life.

"We don't have time to wait. We need to get the ball rolling as soon as we can." Pluto said.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Valerie asked. We all turned to look at her. She had been so silent I had almost forgotten she was there.

I felt my chest tighten as I realized what I had to do. "I need to get in touch with Beatrix."

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