Chapter Nine: No Dying Allowed

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A/N: heyy, sorry that I took so long to post this chapter, I was dealing with serious writer's block lol. This book is flopping so hard and I don't appreciate it 😭 like the first one has nearly six hundred reads and this one doesn't even have thirty. But whatever, let's get on with the chapter!

I sighed, leaning against the car window, the glass cold against my hot forehead. One would assume my mind would be racing with thoughts after my emotional encounter with Beatrix, but it was surprisingly still. Quiet. It was as if my thoughts were slowed, so slowed they stretched out into gibberish, before reaching my brain.

It was peaceful.

Beneath it all, I felt a hollow sadness engulfing me. Maybe it was the knowledge that I had been tricked and lied to once again, that my feelings were not my own, but ones that had been forced upon me.

Maybe it was the knowledge that I had, once and for all, lost my first love. It had been destroyed so thoroughly there was no chance I would ever get it back.

I wasn't so sure it was now I had lost her though. Maybe it was just now it had been exposed. I had begun loosing her slowly, ever since I met her. Every lie she told me, every truth I had kept, we had gotten farther away from each other. No matter how hard we had fought for each other, it seemed it just wasn't meant to be.

The car stopped abruptly, distracting me as me, Beatrix, and Valerie nearly fell forward at the force of it. I looked up, to see we were waiting for a red light to turn green.

"Jesus. Watch the road," Evianna snapped.

"I am, it's just dark," Pluto argued back.

I made eye contact with Valerie beside me. It seemed that she also sensed a fight brewing.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

Pluto sighed. "I have no idea. It's not like we can order a hotel room, we don't have the money, and there are warrants for our arrests anyway. Guess we'll just have to sleep in the car. It'll be a tight squeeze but-"

"Actually, I have an idea," Valerie interrupted. "We technically can get a hotel room. My parents own a bunch, remember?"

I had completely forgotten.

"Ok, where's the closest one?" Evianna asked.

"It's a while away. We're gonna have to drive at least an hour. It's not open to the public yet, but I have the keys."

Pluto groaned. "Yeah, there's no way. I predict we're gonna run out of gas in approximately ten minutes, and if we pool the money we have left, I'd say we can either choose gas, or food."

"And you didn't think to mention that?" Evianna demanded.

"I had other stuff on my mind okay?!"

"Relax guys, I'm rich remember?" Valerie said.

"It's probably not a good idea to use cards right now," Beatrix reminded her.

Valerie rolled her eyes. "The whole "rich people not carrying cash" is just a stereotype. I can barely figure out how to use my card so I always have around five hundred dollars on me."

Oh, to live like that.

"Alright, let's go get gas then. Seems like we've got a long trip ahead of us." Pluto said.

Beatrix put in some earbuds and lay her head on the window, going off into her own world. That kind of made me wish I had some music or podcasts or whatever she was playing, to listen to, as it was gonna be a long drive.

At one point after we had gotten gas, Valerie fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn't mind that. She was cute. It seemed like she was two or three years younger than me, little more than a baby. I figured she she had to be the youngest of Thomas's experiments.

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