Episode 11

18 4 7

He Saved Her!

As soon as Jung Woo enters the room, the cop and Jessica, they both follows him to the door. After a few minutes of him entering the room, the man starts to knock again. Jung woo opens the the door, but his eyes is glaring that male figure standing, his face is expressing that he has not thought of him being there. Can't say if he knows that Jessica would come, but the presence of another man is surely uninvitable.

"May we enter, youngman?" the cop breaks his stare.


As they enter the room, Jessica throws herself in the soft sofa, in a relaxing way.

"Hey, this is not your home, so don't be mannerless." shouts the owner of the sofa.

"Chill, chill, I am just relaxed that after many tough days, I'm going to meet my friend soon. By the way, come sit, we have to talk." She says the word to the boy who is still standing beside the door. Jung woo and the cop also sit on the sofa. And they begin to their meeting.

"You are not surprised to see us, right?" Jessica asks to the boy.

"No. Not surprise to see you but who is he and why is he here?"

The cop says nothing but showing him his identity card.

"Oh so, you are a cop. But why are you here, sir?"

"I am still a young girl, so I thought of bringing an elder along." Jessica speaks up, "Actually, the unknown number that called me last-"

"Yeah, it's me." Jung woo cuts her words.

"I knew it was you but why to take chance. So I went to him and asked him to track that number and find the exact place and person who had called. That's it. I urged him to come with me, 'cause who knows what would happen."

"Oh smart huh."

"Yeah. So let me get to the main point, where did you get my number and why after these many days you called me and informed me about Shonai? You could do it already before, right? Why you didn't?"

"I said him to call you this late." A voice speaks up, it's familiar. Jessica picks her head to see the figure and....IT IS SHONAI!! Jessica gets up straight from her place and runs toward her and gives her a big and warm hug. "How have you been? You know I missed you so much. Why didn't you come back home, when you are already fine?" she can't hold up her tears, ofcourse, she won't be able to.

"I will answer to all your questions, first lets sit comfortably." they sit in the couch. Shonai taps Jessica's back to make her hold herself.

"Now answer me Miss Shonai, how were you saved and by whom?" the police asks.

Shonai replies while looking at Jung Woo's face, "He saved me. Actually, when I was falling of the high, the view in front of my eyes got black. I felt that was my end, but like a prince he saved me."

"and how did he save?"

Jung woo cares to explain, "I was walking down the building with my headphones on, but then I saw a shadow getting bigger and bigger, as how if something falls from up. So, I looked up as what's the matter, I saw her falling. I started to look here and there, if I get something to catch her. There was a trampoline over the trash. It was quiet alright to hold a body, so I didn't take much time to think and rushed to bring that and place it right where she was about to fall. And thankfully, she fell at the trampoline, nothing happened to her, just she was unconscious. I think it's because she was frighten. I didn't know would happen in the future, I just brought her to my apartment. Also called a doctor privately, he then said that her left hand is injured and he plastered it as you can see."

"Oh my gosh, thanks to God that you was there at that time. Thanks to you too for saving my friend's life. But after when she gained her conscious, why you didn't send back her home?"  She asks while leaning forward to him with a suspectable view.

He moves backward and gives an awkward smile and replies when Jessica has moved to her place back. "Yeah, she did gain her consciousness but, she wasn't at the right mind. I mean, she wasn't mentally stable at that time. All the time she just cried out of nowhere and blabbers something that I didn't understand."

"Ah sorry for troubling you, Jung woo oppa." Shonai apolozises.

"It's okay, now you are at a good stage." Jung woo flows a warm smile to her.

"Oh god, how miserable you were those days. I am sorry that I couldn't find you fast. I am really sorry."  Jessica holds her hand with her teary eyes.

"Aigoo! Why are you sorry? You did find me. I know." Shonai says as she smiled.

"What do you mean?" Jessica asks in confusion.

"Don't you remember? Yesturday, you followed me. I saw it."

"Yahh if you saw me that time, then why hadn't you talked to me? Why didn't you react that you saw me following?" She shouts at her in frown.

"Because I wanted you to come by yourself and see where I'd been living and who saved, you can meet him in person. And so I asked him to call you last night." So, this is Shonai's plan.

"Freaking shit! Yahhh!! you made me tensed, you know?" she cursed at her but she is smiling and crying at the same time, this is called Happy Tears, also a true and pure friendship.

"So everything is solved, let's have a drink-" He gets up to have the bottles of soju but soon gets stopped by the cop, "You are adult, you can drink but they can't. It's against law."

"I know I know, I have apple juice for them." the room filled with chuckles.

"Wait- Shonai? yesturday, I saw you drinking-"

"Come'on, she wasn't drinking soju, that was too apple juice." he and Shonai, both bursts into laughter, while Jessica remains in awkwardness.

"You guys enjoy. Since my job is done, I'm leaving." The cop flows a smile and says a goodbye.

"But you may have a drink too. We all are enjoying together, so how can you leave in between?" Jessica asks him to stay for a bit and enjoy with them. "But young lady, I am on my duty so, I can't drink now. You all continue enjoying and get home safely. Also if any problem gets in the way, call me."

"Oh...yes sure. Thank you for helping." all the three kids bow at the man and wave a good bye.

"It's my duty." and he leaves the room.

They have their party finished. Both, Shonai and Jessica is about to leave the place too..."Let me drop you both. It's late and you two girls shouldn't be alone at night."

"Yes, oppa!" responded both of them. "My car is that way, you ahead, I'm coming."

They are about to move toward the car but suddenly...

(Boom! cliff hanger <3)

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