Episode 07

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Nowhere To Be Found

"There's not a single news about her. What can be happened with her?

"This problem is not small as we are thinking. Don't know what this may led us to do."

"Maybe her parents had already filed a case."

"Ofcourse, they will."

The two men, Jimin and his manager is talking about Shonai, suddenly a knock can be heared. They turn their head to take a glance at the door. A girl is standing there, knocking.

"May I enter?"

"But who are you?" The manager asks with the eyes full of suspiscion.

"First let me enter, I will reply your question. And don't worry I am not here to harm you."

"Okay, come in."

She enters the room and walks straight to Jimin, "What have you done to my friend?"

Her behaviour and question has made him agitate, "W-what is this manner? And who is your friend? What are you exactly?"

"I am friend of Shonai, whom you both visited. Do you remember?"

"Oh...yeah. But why are you here asking me about her? How would I know?" He is vague to say the words.

"Stop lying, you both have met her the previous day, isn't it? She had faced many issues for you. So there is a possibility of you to do something to her."

Jimin tries to avoid her glares which clearly shows he is lying or hiding something. With the eyes conversation, he asks his manager for help. His manager who is himself in trouble, couldn't answer.

"I have asked you something Mr. Park. By your body language it can be said that you are hiding something from me, what is it?"

Jimin asks his manager to tell the full story.

"Actually, we had met her yesturday, yes, thats true. And after that we told her to meet our CEO and talk about it. She came here, and then they all talked. I was not present at the meeting of Jimin, Ceo-nim and Shonai. But after a few hours I saw Jimin running towards the exit floor, he took me with him. When he told me that why he rushed to the floor exit, it was that...." he stops at the middle of talking as because he does not has the courage to say the actual thing to jessica.

"What? Why were you both running?" She aske raising her right eyebrow.

"I am telling." Jimin speaks up.

"As he told that he saw me running, it was actually that, Ceo ordered me to talk with her about the article on the terrace and to threaten her that I will push her off-"

"WHAT-? YOU PUSHED HER-" Jessica shouts cutting his words, but gets cut by him, "NO! I didn't push her. I just uttered that I will push but she...she herself fell off."

"What do you mean by herself fell off? I know her, she won't give up her life just because of a jerk."

"Yeah, I am telling the truth. She said the last words "I will rather fall myself from this building than to fear being real" and jumped. By the way did you just say 'jerk'? Mind your language." Jimin tells these words at a stretch.

After hearing these, the ground slipped from under Jessica's feet. Tears begin to stream down from her eyes, touching her chin. She is sobbing but her blood is boiling because of anger.

"You all pressured her that much that she suicided. No, this is not a suicide, this is a murder. You all murdered her. I will sue you all!" balls of fire is growing in her eyes.

"Listen, listen. We didn't get her body at the ground. I mean her body had vanished." Jimin's face expresses the seriousness.

"What? You didn't get her body? What do you mean? AHHH WHAT'S GOING ON?" Jessica feels dizzy.

"No, we tried to find her body but we failed."

"What in the- Now what will I reply to her parents?"

Jessica sits on the sofa with her hands on her forehead.

"You informed to the Police, right? They might find her. So, don't think much and you may leave now." the manager insists her to leave.

Jessica arrives her home, it is almost 6:40 pm. Shonai's parents aren't present at her home, "Where are they gone? They left without informing me...?"
She calls them, but no one picks up the call first. She tries again after some time, a man picks the call up,"Yes? Who?"

"I am Shonai's friend and I called to Shonai's father, who is this?"

"I'm Shonai's uncle."

"Oh do you know where her mother and father are? Cause they were at my home, but they are not here now. They left."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I picked up his call that means they are here, at my home." The man laughs.

Oh yeah, I must have lost my mind!
Jessica thinks herself.

"Shonai's father needs meds and he didn't take those with him, so he called me to bring them here. You don't worry, they are here. By the way, did you find Shonai?"

Jessica remains silent for a moment after hearing the question, can't understand what to answer.

"Hello?" the voice breaks the silence and she replies with "Till now, we didn't find her, but don't worry, she will be found soon. And take care of her parents and yourself too. Okay, I am hanging up the call." and she immidiately hangs up the call.

Jessica inhales in and exhales out her breathe and sits on the cushy sofa. Her mind, which is unable to think anything else except about her friend. Shonai has a such luck to get a friend like her.

I have to give the chip to the police. Tomorrow, after school, I have to visit the Police station. But what will I reply to the teacher that why Shonai is absent for 2 days in a row? I have to lie. I have homeworks to do but my brain is just not working.

She has recorded all the talk of her and Jimin that time as for evidence.

Jessica sits for study but pen on her mouth, thinking about how to investigate the matter.

Jessica and Shonai's parents are not the only one who is stressing but Jimin and his manager and also his CEO but he is less tensed.

For them the world is now messed up.

Jimin has his fansign in 3 days, and he is not prepared to face his fans. In this 3 days, no one knows what may happen. Some of the people aready hate him and if by any chance Jimin is acused of the suicide of Shonai, he will hit the bottom.

It's been two days Shonai is missing for her parents. Jessica does not has the courage to tell the truth to her parents. They call to Jessica about their daughter but she does not has any other option except lying.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢-𝐅𝐀𝐍Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora