Episode 10

17 3 0

The Unknown Boy

Today after school, Jessica visits the cop.

"Sir? Sir?"

"Yes? Who?" he turns his head around to see who it is, "Oh Nice to meet you once again little girl, how may I help now?"

"Sir, I got a call yesturday evening and a male's voice was heard. He told me that Shonai, my friend, is safe. And one more thing, yesturday, I got to see Shonai in the public, I followed her to check where she has been living these days. She is currently living in the company where Jimin works. And she is not alone there. I followed her till the room, and I saw a boy. I took pictures too, let me show you."

Jessica explains and shows the picture that she has captured. After seeing the pictures, he believes her.

"And I have a feeling that the unknown must be this boy. I came here to track this number with the help of you and we both will visit this unknown. Will you co-operate? Oh you have to." She urges the cop to go with her, as if something goes wrong, he may help.

The cop gets attracted to her dedication and decides to help her,"If you have come this far, I will not stop you. Let's do it." The man says with a proud in his face.

"Thank you! Thank you sir!" She is feeling a bit relaxed.

"So, now, lets make the plan." the cop speaks up.

"The plan, I have already made the plan before coming here." Jessica replies.

She opens up the plan, "The plan is just that, we are going to visit this number by tracking it, and if it will be not the same person whom I have seen yesturday, then we must take action, alright?"

"Yep, alright. By the way girl, aren't you high schooler?" the man asks the question out of the blue which makes Jessica a questionable face.

"Yeah...I am. But..why did you ask this?"

"Just wanted to confirm 'cause I'm really surprised and impressed at how your brain works. You think everything before starting it. Like a pro."

"As I should be." she says with a proud smile in her face which also shows savageness. "but...sir, here I didn't come to be appriciated myself, I want to meet my friend."

"Ah yeah yeah. So, the first thing is to track that number, lets do it."

They go to the tracking specialist, in short, the hacker which works in the Police department.

"Mr. Do, we need your help to track this number."

"Sure, it will be done."

He tracks the number and finds the place from where the number has been called, "The Number has been called from the AJPE building."

"This is the building of Jimin's agency, right?" Jessica leans toward the laptop and studies the building carefully, because she had seen the different angle of the building when she went there, and here, in the laptop it is in different angle. And it was written in big letters AJP Entertainment.

"Look officer, I was correct, the unknown person is him." she looks up at the face of the cop.

"Yeah. Lets meet up."

"Yeah, lets go."

"Uhm...we will go but not now-"

"WHY?" Ofcourse, she screams at him.

"Uh this is our snack time so,...hope you understand." he feels lowkey awkward saying this.
Jessica just rolls her eyes in frustration, and replies with "OKay okay take your time." With a fake smile in her face, because she can't wait to meet her friend but he be eating snacks over there.

The snack time is over, and Jessica and the cop is heading on their way to AJPE building.

"How much time will be needed to reach?" asks the police man.

"One and half an hour from here."

"Ohh thats long though."

"It's not. I am so exicted to see my friend so, I'm feeling it as a throw of a stone." She exclaimed.

They both reaches the building. They are knocking the door but no one is answering...

"Someone is knocking?? Who can it be?? Jung wo is not at home, who may have come, and he also told me not to open the door if someone unknown is there. Wait, but how will I know if the person opposite the door is unknown or someone known? God damn it!! This door doesn't even have that glass hole to check who it is."

"Oh? It has this machine? Rich people probably use this!"

"So she came as we expected. But why the cop!?"

The cop keeps on knocking the door harder and harder, and asking if someone is there inside the room.

"I think no one is in the room, should we just come back later?"

Jessica looks at him frustrated,"Are you serious? Just no one is replying back, doesn't mean we have to return back. Let me call that number back. If he is in the room, his phone's ringtone can be heard."

"Yeah yeah..." the man replies with embarrassment.

She calls the number, but it's switched off.

Meanwhile the person, inside the room, gets tensed and can't think up what to do.

"Let me call him and inform him that someone is at the door."

She tries to call him too but the same reply, that is, the phone is switched off.

"Holy Nam-Jesus!! He needed to keep the phone switched off right now!? Ughhh what should I do? Oh yeah I should hide!"

In the absence of thought she just ran towards the bathroom and hid there.

"The number is saying switched off, what should we do now? If he is not in the room, that means he went to somewhere so, what if we wait 'til he comes?" Jessica places the words and the man just sighs at her, "Do as you want."

They have been waiting on the floor for more than 2 hours.

"Should we just go today and come back tomorrow?" the cop looks fed up.

"I think that will be good. I am bored of waiting too."

They are about to leave but at the exit, Jessica spots Jung woo, she shows the man pointing at him,"There there, he's the boy I've seen that day. He just arrived, so we still have time to meet him. Lets go." She starts to walk towards him, but gets interrupted by the cop, "Are you sure?" in a response to this question, she just rolls her eyes in dissappointment.

She again begins to move forward and the man behind follows him. They are waiting Jung woo to enter the room.

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