Episode 01

44 5 33

The Concert

"Jimin, don't forget you have a concert today, so eat well. Our Jimin will perform well for this concert, any doubt?" Manager of Jimin places these words to Jimin.

"Ofcourse, I will. I must." Replies the other man stuffing a piece of Kimbap in his mouth.

"Alright. Camera, ready. confettis, ready. Idol? Yah what about idol, where is he?"  the director shouts at the fellow workers. He is making sure if everything is perfect, but the one who will perform is not present.

"I don't know." Answers one of them lowing their head.

"I don't know either." another too answers.

"Mr. Soo-bin, do you know where the star is? You should know, I guess." he asks the manager of Jimin.

"For 2 hours I haven't seen him too, don't worry, lets wait a few more minutes. He will come." Manager adds his reply.

Everyone searches for the one who will have concert today, Jimin. He is not at the backstage while it is almost time to get on the stage.

After a few minutes, a heavenly-built man enters the room, "Why..are you all looking..tensed? Is there any problem?" It's Jimin. He, who is totally unknown to the fact that they have been searching him.

"Ahh here you are! Yah you pabo, we are tensed about you only. Where were you?" The manager shouts at Jimin but it's soft.

"I didn't know that. I was walking in my private garden, digesting those foods which you had given. And Hyung, don't be loud at me, you know it breaks my heart." Jimin replies back to him and pouted at the last line like a cute kid.

"Aigoo this kid. Okay now be ready for your show. Everyone is eagerly waiting for you.  Okay here he is. Do now what you all need to." says the manager.

"Yeah, just in a blink he will be ready."

Jimin is getting ready.

Meanwhile this side, lets see about our Shonai...

"Mom, I'm leaving." A pleasent sound of Shonai bids a goodbye to her mom.

"Okay be careful, and there will be jostling so, stay carefully and don' step on anyone's foot." Like every mother, her mother is also giving her safety tips.

Ugh *sighs* "Yes mom, I am not a kid still, I am over 18." Shonai says irritably. Mrs. Min laughed and hummed to her daughter.

By these all, finally Shonai leaves her comfort zone, I mean house.

"Oh yes! This is the moment I was waiting for years. Finally I am going to meet Jiminie!!!! I am happy as hell. Well....also nervous, as this is my first at a concert, I don't know what to do and what not to. Umm...That's fine, there will be other armys too who may help me. Lalallalalaa~"

Shonai, talking to herself on the bus to the concert. She can't hold her happiness. Of course, you will be happy when you will see you love after waiting of 1000 years (lol).

"May I sit with you? I mean this seat is empty so, may I sit..here?" asks a girl to Shonai.

"Sure why not.  Well seems like you too going for the concert right? That...poster.." asks awkwardly shonai.

"Yes!! Oh you too? Wow that's so good that we met. Lets fangirl together haha."

"Yeahhhh!!! Park Jimin! Park Jimin! Park Jimin!" they both started chanting their idol's name. And hearing to them, other fans who are in the bus, synced with them.

If you pass by near the bus, you will hear "Park Jimin! Park Jimin! Park Jimin!"

After they reached their destination, everyone is on hurry to get down. Everyone pushing and pulling each other. There is a long line for the ticket. Sun is right above the head of everyone, the smell of sweat and hotness are flowing from place to place carried by air.

After an hour the surrounding was pleasant. All of the fans sitting in their respective raws. Shonai gets the seat in the second raw.

"Oh my god!! This is unbeliebubble! Some one pinch me if this is a dream. OPPA YOU ARE LOOKING SO HOT AND HANDSOME!!!" Shouts Shonai to make Jimin hear. Luckily Jimin noticed her voice and replied her while giving her a warm smile,"AHH THANK YOU MISS BEAUTIFULL!!!"

She stole the spotlight. "Ohmyf**kinggod!!!!!! He noticed me! I'm sure, I will leave no regrets after dying."

Shonai, ...is out of her mind, going crazy.

All along the concert, everyone is going crazy, dancing, chanting, singing in sync with the idol.

Suddenly, Jimin stops. He sees a fan is struggling to stand in the second raw. She is no one other than Shonai. In the crowd, someone has pushed her. Jimin directly goes to handle her, "Hey! Are you alright?"

"Ah yes-yes, I am fin-"

Jimin cut off her words by holding her arm and makes her stand stable. Shonai looks at him with her widened eyes. Some of the fan is jealous ofcourse lol.

"Are you fine now?" Jimin asks mockingly as he knows what he just did and passes a smile to her.

"y-yeah thank you" Shonai still with her widened eyes and jarring. She just can't believe what just happened. Her lazy ass mind is trying its best to process what just happened.
And ofcourse this will be her memorable day.

Jimin went back to stage and continues his performance.


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I am sorry for making it cringey.
But's its the type of the story.

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