Heeseung felt a lump on his throat, "O-of course."

"Hm? Why do you seem so hesitant?"

"No, I'm not!"

He shrugged again, "Okay then." He took another sip on his coffee and looked at Heeseung, "You want some?"

Heeseung shook his head, "No thanks."

* * * * *

Sunghoon walked through the hallway and whispers can be heard around him as he made his way to his classroom.

'Of course, I should've expected this.'

"That's Park Sunghoon!"

"Heeseung's ex-boyfriend? Psh, I knew they wouldn't last long!"

"I mean, he's from a lower class and Heeseung is like, the heir of the Lee family. They're obviously not a match!"

Sunghoon sighed, continuing to walk his way to his class with his head lowered, until he bumped into someone who was purposely in front of him to block his way. Sunghoon rolled his eyes as he met their eyes.

"Well, well, well, Park Sunghoon. We meet again."

'Yes, and it's unfortunate event for me.'

"We heard Heeseung broke up with you."

"Yeah, and he got back together with Miyen? Oh you poor soul, you should've known Heeseung just used you~"

'I know that, I knew that all along.'

"What? Scared now? Because Heeseung is not around to help you? Nor will he ever be?"

"Aw, you poor little stray cat, does it hurt? To be used by someone?"

"Well, I mean, you don't even deserve him. He's someone from the higher class! He is look upon on! While you...well...I doubt anybody even knows you."

"Heeseung never loved you, Park Sunghoon. He only used you, to get his girlfriend back, Jo Miyen."

'I know that. I know that the most. And I'm stupid for believing that maybe someday he'll develop feelings for me too. I'm stupid for agreeing in this type of contract. I'm stupid for falling in love with him, knowing the two of us are impossible anyway. So please, stop it."

"Heeseung is not a match for you. You're just a shitty trash—"

"Stop that."

They were cut off as a voice stepped in. Sunghoon looked up, it was her, Jo Miyen.

"Stop bullying him." She gave them a stern look, "He's not trash. Heeseung loved him, he did not use him to get me back. So stop your shit-talking and get lost."

"Miyen? What are you saying? He literally stole your boyfriend!"

"He did not steal my boyfriend. Heeseung was not mine when he and Sunghoon got together. So you don't have the right to shit-talk him, because you, yourself is shit."

"Excuse me?!"

"You wanna pass? Go on, no one's stopping you."

The girls were obviously annoyed, but they knew they had lost, so they just stomped their feet away from Sunghoon and miyen.

Miyen clicked her tongue as she watch them walk away, "Brats."

'So, she's nice after all.'

She looked back at Sunghoon and their eyes met. She gave Sunghoon a smile. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." He replied.

"I'm sorry that you had to hear that. Don't listen to them, they're just the normal jealous brats you'd see around in school."

Sunghoon let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, I guess."

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