Going To The Dark Side......

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Izuku was running towards giant villain called "Killer Grodge" and this villains quirk is Dirt Manipulation.

As Izuku was about to slam his fist into the villains forehead, he heard a scream.

Even though he looked to where the scream came from, his fist still drived into the face of the villain.

When he looked back at the villain to check that he were dead, 'Killer Grodge' already had a hole the size of his face straight through his head.

Izuku walked towards to where the scream came from and saw a young girl wearing a UA uniform, getting her clothes ripped off her whilst she was pinned to the ground by a villain that had a face to show that the villain was crazed with lust.

Izuku almost furrowed his eyebrows at this sight.

Izuku slowly walked towards the two of them, but even when izuku stopped walking and his shadow was towering over the villain, both the girl and the villain hadn't known his presence.

Izuku raised his first into the air and put a very slight force into his arm, which propelled his arm towards the back of the villains head and his first made a tunnel straight through his skull.

Blood, brain bits, teeth, flesh and even a nose fell all onto the girl and showered her with red.

The girl screamed at the top of her lungs and Izuku found this annoying so he raised his fist to hit her and shut her up.

As he raised his fist, the girl suddenly stops screaming and faints.

Izuku lowered his arm and then started walking towards the first villain and picked up the body.

When he picked up the body Izuku threw it against the nearest wall, which caused the body to become even more mutilated, and as the body slowly peeled of the wall, it left a blood trail.

He then continued walking down the street until 4 heroes landed Infront of him, it was All-Might, Endeavour, Eraserhead and present mic.

Eraserhead: "Izuku Midoriya, we have came to bring you for an interview at UA. You can come with us quietly or we will have to force you to come with us."

Izuku grunted in annoyance.

He then continued walking, but all might quickly tried to stop him.

All-Might: "Young Midoriya, I know that you are innocent. If you come back to UA, I will train you personally!!"

Izuku the groaned even louder than last time, this time getting angry.

Present-Mic: "Yo, don't worry dude. We know that you are innocent so there's no need to be worried. Just come with us and we'll sort it all out."

Izuku now just ignored them and continued walking past them, Aizawa then groaned and said clearly to All-Might, Endeavour and Present-Mic.

Aizawa: "Guess he want the hard way then."

All-Might walked towards Izuku and grabbed him by the shoulders. *Does this guy not remember last time?*

Izuku grabbed All-Might's hand and threw him into the air. He then jumped after All-Might and landed on his body, Izuku then punched All-Might into the ground causing a deep and wide crater.


All-Might groaned in pain and puked out blood.

Endeavour, Present-Mic and Eraserhead all had gaping mouths and eyes wide open in shock.

Eraserhead: "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Endeavour: "This is the kid that seemingly has no quirk? He just obliterated the #1 hero in 2 moves. How strong is this kid?? I want him to be my son!!"


Izuku then landed on the ground next to All-Might, also creating a massive crater upon landing.

He then walked towards All-Might's groaning mess of a person, and picked him up by the neck.

He stared at All-Might straight in the eyes for a few seconds, seeing that he doesn't have his classic "Smile even when things are going bad" going on.

Izuku then threw All-Might at a random direction, seeing him crash through several buildings and out of sight.

Izuku started walking towards his previous destination.

The other heroes moved out of Izuku's way in fear of getting the same fate as All-Might.


After an hour of walking, izuku finally reached his destination.

The League Of Villain's Hideout.


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