It's time

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Izuku's day was going great. He had been dating Ochako for a while now but today he felt somewhat extra happy. So being the extra happy broccoli boi he is he went to the shop and bought a gift for Ochako.

He brought it up to his girlfriend's room and as he was about to knock on her door he stopped only a few centimetres away because he heard a muffled groaning noise.

*Groan* *moan* *groan*

Izuku stopped for a second to think of what was happening inside of Ochako's room. Then he came to the conclusion that it was a kidnapping.

Izuku burst into the room almost breaking the door handle and was about to confront the kidnapper.

Izuku: "Stop right the-"

Izuku realized that no it was not a kidnapping, but something worse. He saw some thing dreadful, something that he hoped to only be in his worse nightmares. What he saw before him was his girlfriend naked sitting atop the waist of his worse enemy laying down, it was bakugo.

They both heard the door open but didn't know the exact speed so they did not have time to move or anything. They both stopped and looked toward the door to see who has burst open the door, and was about to get ready to tell the person to keep their mouth shut and not to tell Izuku.

But to their dread ,who they saw burst open the door was the person they least wanted to see them do this. They stood there with complete shock on their faces.

Now instead of telling him to keep their mouth shut, they were thinking of a plan to make them seem the victims.

Izuku's tears were threatening to come out but he tried his best to keep them in.

As Ochako was about to say something Izuku ran out of the room, to his room.

Ochako: "Wait Deku-kun it's not what-"

Before she could finish her sentence izuku was gone but in his place, on the floor was a box.

She picked it up and inspected it. She then opened it and gazed at the ring.

Katsuki was thinking of a plan, he then thought of one and told Ochako it.

Katsuki: "babe I'm gonna have to hit your face and bruise your left side."

Ochaho: "how come?"

Katsupee: "because then it would look like that Deku was beating you, until I ran into the room and stopped him, then he ran away crying pretending to be the victim when he got caught."

Ochaho: "Wow babe your incredible. That's a really good plan." She looked at him with starry eyes.

Katsupee: " yeah I know." He scoffed.

Katsuki then hit her . And she pretended to cry.

The class mates heard the commotion upstairs and went to check it out.

Tenya: "What's going on here!" He shouted as he entered Ochako's room.

Katsupee: "Izuku was beating Ochako until I intervened and confronted him, he then ran away to his dorm room crying pretending to be the victim because he got caught beating her." Katsuki answered in a WORRYING tone.

Tenya gasped in suprise. He never would of thought in a million years that his cheery classmate that was always nice to everyone would harm and abuse his own girlfriend.

Mina: "why would midoriya-kun do that?"

Meanwhile Izuku POV

"Why would Ochako give her virginiy to that BASTARD . I loved her, I mean I know that we never even kissed but I never ever would of thought that she would cheat on me. But not just cheat on me , but cheat on me with him. I hate them I hate them all I want... I want to rip and tear them to peices... I want to RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE."

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