The Start

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*waving*=action or thing that's going on.
"You"=All Might buff form or hate/ shouting tone

A young boy named Izuku woke up to an All Might alarm saying "I AM HERE NOW ITS TIME TO WAKE UP YOUNG HERO!!".He turned the alarm off and rised out of bed , he then started to choose some clothes to put on and they were:
All Might socks
All Might T-Shirt
Green shorts
And of course his all might figure will always be by his side so he took it with him

He started to put on his clothes, slightly struggling as he was four years old today.
Once he finished putting his clothes on he opened the door and ran towards his mother's room, once he was there he proceeded to climb onto her bed and started jumping on her bed whilst saying "mom*jump*wake up *boing*we have to*heavy breath*see what my quirk is today*bounce*"

Inko:*grumbly and sleepy*"ok izuku but please stop bouncing on the bed and let me make some breakfast before we go."

Izuku:*stops bouncing* "ok mom."

He runs down the stairs and sits on his chair waiting impatiently for inko to finish getting dressed and come down to start breakfast already.

Time skip:40 minutes

Inko:"ok izuku are you ready?"
Izuku:*finished putting on his All Might velcro shoes*"yes mom, I'm so excited to see what my quirk is. I wonder what it's going to be"

Inko:*smiles at izuku*"I wonder if my little boy will have his quirk"

Inko opens up the door and unlocks the car .
Inko then starts the car and drives off to the quirk doctors to see what his quirk will be .

Time skip: 2 hours

Nurse:"inko and Izuku midoriya please follow me."

Inko and little izuku follow the nurse to the quirk doctor's office .

Doctor:"ah inko and Izuku midoriya I presume,I love finding what children's quirks are when they reach the age of four it's quite exciting really,but yes onto finding what izuku's quirk is, well first we are going to do some tests then an X-ray"

Izuku then proceeds to do the tests and the X-ray but what they didn't expect was the expression on the doctor's face when he entered back into the office with the quirk papers.

Doctor:"I don't know how to put this so I'm going to tell you straight up, not to be offensive ,mean or cruel but Inko midoriya*turns to inko whilst realising that she has a worried face so he tensed up even more than he was before*I'm so very sorry but you're son is quirk less so he should give up any hopes and dreams of him being a hero ."

Inko started to cry and then asked the doctor how come he is quirk less .

Doctor:"well miss midoriya your son has two joints on his pinky toe and....*muffled *......*muffled*"

Izuku couldn't believe what he heard his eyes were dull, his body motionless and almost lifeless, his All Might figure in the ground in pieces, his hopes and dreams of being a hero gone, his emotions fading.

Izuku knew that if he were to tell kacchan he would look down on him and beat him up but he no longer cared anymore.
But he still wanted to be a hero and save people even if it cost his life he would do it.

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