"Thanks Laur," Mike said placing a kiss on her cheek as she handed him one of the plates.

Lauren moved over to where Zayn stood and handed him the second plate, "Thanks love," Zayn said as he went to place a kiss on Lauren's cheek. Lauren caught his face in between her hands and turned it to place a kiss on his lips.

"I think we can move past that whole not showing each other affection in front of my parents thing, we've been together five months, I'm pretty sure they know we kiss, right Dad?" Lauren chuckled addressing her father as she pulled back from Zayn's lips.

"Right, but I hope that's all," Mike mumbled with a bit of food in his mouth.

"You bet it is," Lauren lied with a smile. "So listen, how much longer do you think you guys have to work on this?"

"Maybe another hour or two, why?" Mike wondered.

"Ally wanted to show us something yesterday but she never got the chance to so she asked us to come over for a bit, I'll probably be gone like forty five minutes to an hour. I just wanted to let you guys know, well primarily you babe, if you guys finish early or if I'm not back by the time you're done you can come to Ally's," Lauren mentioned looking over at Zayn. "I'll have my phone with me if anything."

Zayn nodded as he ate and Lauren placed a kiss on his cheek, "I'll be back, see you guys later."


"How am I the first one here when I was the last one to wake up??" Lauren questioned as she sat down next to Ally on her couch.

"Well I'm not sure what's taking Mila so long but you know Normani and Dinah have to get dressed up even if it's to take the trash out," Ally replied making Lauren chuckle.

"Are Jerry and Pat home?" Lauren asked Ally about her parents whereabouts.

"No, they're at the doctors," Ally answered.

"How's her back, any better at all?" Lauren wondered, placing a hand on Ally's.

"Eh, she has her good days but she has her bad too," Ally said sadly.

Lauren gave Ally a sympathetic look before changing the topic off of her mother's severe scoliosis, "How's Brandon?" Lauren wondered about Ally's older brother who had moved to Texas.

"He's doing really good, he found Troy and I a really nice apartment for when we go to school in the fall, we're gonna go see it in July," Ally smiled.

"I still can't believe you're leaving," Lauren frowned, "it's going to be so weird without you, Miami will definitely be a little less sunny when you're gone."

"Aw Lo," Ally sighed hugging Lauren, "I'm really going to miss you guys, but I'll always be there for y'all, even while I'm at UT, all you have to do is call. And I'll be visiting when we have breaks of course, my parents are staying here so I'll be back often," Ally smiled.

"I know, I know," Lauren squeezed Ally's hand that she still held and they heard a knock at her door. Lauren stayed waiting on the couch as Ally went to open the door, returning with Normani, Dinah and Camila a few moments later.

"Laurenzaaaaa," Normani ran over to where Lauren sat and gave her a hug.

"Hey Mani," Lauren smiled as Normani pulled away from her and plopped down on the couch next to her, "hi Camz, hi dj," Lauren addressed the other two girls as Ally set something up on the tv.

"Move over Dinah," Camila pushed Dinah who had sat on the other side of Lauren.

"Stop being annoying, just sit over here," Dinah patted the empty spot to her right.

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