"Yeah, weddings generally do tend to be big," Taylor responded, knowing that wasn't what he was talking about.

"Right, and music video releases," Andrew shot back, and the blonde rolled her eyes tiredly. Truth be told, she was terrified but she was glad she had something to keep her busy. She really wasn't looking forward to the moment Kaia's friends were going to show her their supportive asses and cheer her on for the biggest video drop of her entire career.

"Right... question, and you boys better give me an honest answer... whose idea was it to stream the award show?"

"Who told you?" Will exclaimed, his eyes widening like the biggest surprise of the century had just revealed.

"Who else?" Andrew didn't bother hiding it. "Mica and Anna, of course."

Taylor nodded, knowing that would have been the answer. "Follow up question, are we going to watch the whole thing or just the video? Kaia wouldn't tell me."

"Just the video. No one cares about Andrew winning an award or two. He's getting the biggest prize ever tomorrow."

They all looked up when Mica appeared with a lazy smirk. He leaned down and kissed Taylor's cheek before hugging the guys.

"Gee, thanks, mate," Andrew exclaimed sarcastically though he wasn't really offended. Taylor knew the last thing he cared about was award shows.

"You're literally the worst, Michael," Taylor knew Mica absolutely hated that name. It wasn't even his real name, so it always bugged him when people always thought it was before he could correct them. He hated his actual name (Michel) just a little less.

"Just excited to watch you burn down the whole music industry," he told her, and though Taylor was flattered, she was still really anxious. She didn't want to know first hand if people were going to hate it. She still had her doubts, even after all the positive reviews the song had gotten.

Taylor glanced up when a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind and smiled widely at Kaia when she rested her chin on her shoulder.

"Hi, darling," she murmured, the exhaustion already evident in her voice. Anna must have driven her insane with ridiculous requests.

"Hi, baby," Taylor laughed softly, grabbing Kaia's hands and leaning down to kiss her arm before untangling them from around her and pulling the actress to her seat. "Got you a drink."

"Great, thank you," Kaia grumbled, holding the glass up to her lips and downing almost half of it.

"Christ, what did my fiancée do to ya?" Andrew exclaimed, looking at Kaia worriedly.

Kaia only smiled up at him and said, "best of luck, mate."

Taylor bit back a laugh at his concerned look, hiding her face in Kaia's hair as she rested her palm on her back.

"Kibs, pass over that spread, will you?" Mica asked, breaking a piece of bread in half.

When all the guests had finally arrived and everyone was settled at their tables, Kaia finally relaxed into Taylor's side, a wide smile on her face.

"What?" Taylor laughed, chewing on the olives Kaia had scraped off her plate and into hers.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" She asked, gliding her finger along the rim of her glass.

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