Moving Back and Meet Them

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Present time.....

During that time you are still in close contact with Koji and know the big events that happened in UA. Like during the USJ incident, and most recently the summer camp when Bakugou was a hostage. You are now 15 years old and 90% able to control quirks well.

You're relaxing in the living room of the villa and reading Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. And suddenly your dad gets a call from a friend (can you guess who it is??)






Your POV

"Yes, hello there Nezu, ah yes yes i'm fine. Yes she's doing fine." my father said.

"How are you guys doing there?? Fine?? hmmm good. Ah yes, she gain a new ability at her 13 years old." my father said again. "Ah, dad talking about me. Principal  Nezu has become like close family to me. He called his pro hero friends to teach me about martial arts. Whereas father and I focused on controlling and creating techniques to control my quirk." i though.

"Recommendation to study at UA??!! Ah yes yes, I'll discuss this first, I'll let you know later after I've discussed it. Ah yes, and thank you too. Okay later." my father said as he hanging up the cellphone.

"Honey dear can you come to me, both of you dear." my father said to me and my mother loud enough to my mother to hear from the kitchen.

I close my book and put it on the table in the living room and walk to my father that in kitchen table. My mother came to at same time as i came form living room. I sat in front of my father and my mother beside my father. 

"What wrong dad??" i ask as i sit. My father explain to me that i got a recommendation to study at UA in Japan. And the recommendation is from Principal Nezu himself. Even so I will get some tests. And the test is the same as the UA entrance exam.

"What do you say dear ??" my mother ask me calmly.

"That's awesome dad, that is mean i can play and meet Koji again. Oh gosh i miss him so much." i said grinning widely.

"Yes dear, so you want to go right?? If it a yes the we will go tomorrow so the rest of summer in Japan you can rest and adapt with a new environment." my father said smiling.

"Oh my god, yes yes yes, please, oh my god." i said excited.

"Hahahaha, okay i will tell Nezu now  and honey you both can start packing now. After calling i will booked the tickets for us tomorrow evening yea ?? Okay chop chop." my father said as he stand up and grab his phone.

I ran to the living room to get the book I left earlier then ran to my room. I started packing the things I needed into suitcases and boxes. Of course I use Inventory to my suitcase and cardboard to save space and money. As long as I get permission from my father then it won't be a problem and it's illegal to use Quirk without a license card.

"Oh dear, can you use Inventory to my suitcase and your mother to ?? Actually and the boxes to. Thank you dear." my father shout from who know where he is.

"Okay dad, coming." i said and running to my mother and my father room. And see the suitcase and boxes that i need to use Inventory to.

"Mom, can you help me packing after we done packing here ??" i ask my mother that came in to the room after i done using Inventory.

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