About Y/N

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A lil bit note from author : there would be cursing word ehe :3

Name : Y/N Koda (Your Name Koda)

Gender : Female

Current Age : 15

Religion : Islam

Birthday : 12 August

Appearance : Basically look like you but, your hair is shoulder-length short or sometimes shorter, hair color is black but when exposed to sunlight it becomes brownish, eye color is brownish black. (or you can change it to your appearance ehe :3)

Parent Name : F/N (Father Name) & M/N (Mother Name) Koda

Nationality : Indonesian and Japanese. (seems that time can get 2 nationalizations. if not, then just make it possible cuz i am the author ahahahaha :v)

Hero Name : Earth. (or you guys can comment and request later)

Quirks : Earth and Inventory. (yes, apparently you have 2 quirks.)

Personality : Cheerful, lazy ass fvk, a lil bit genius, prefer silent, don't talk much to new people, friendly, humble, and every good trait except extrovert, (cuz you kinda introvert)

Quirks Explanation : 

Earth : Basically you can control and only control that embedded on earth and every element on earth, (yea like fire, water, wind, etc) but you can only control them not produce them from your body (hell you even can move an island :v). For example : if Kaminari shoot you his electricity you can either shoot it back or absorb it cuz you know earth absorb thunder. (more details will be on the episodes)

Inventory : Basically it's like Doraemon magic pocket. Only your was more like expanding some space. For example, you expand the space in the bag like Hermione bag from Harry Potter too. But it won't make the bag heavier, because expanding the space using this quirk is almost the same as creating a dimension space. (more details will be on the episodes)

Drawback : You used to call it a sleeping beauty curse. Because if you were over using your quirks your body will be put in a state of sleep, which usually takes 24 hours of sleep or 1 week or 1 month or even up to 1 year. And usually you will be immediately rushed to the hospital to be fitted with assistive devices which are like being paired for people who are in a coma. But only IVs and heart detection machines, because strangely your body doesn't experience anything while you're asleep. So it's really like a sleeping beauty curse.

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