Wooyoung loosened his hold on her a little and more gently wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, keeping her close to him. If there was one thing he had to admit it was how much he liked his kisses. The girl had something in her way of being that attracted him at all times.

Since the first day.

"All right." Y/N smiled, separating slightly to observe him. "I can't be late."

Then, she let go of his hold and went in search of her bag; there was so much to do and hardly any time left. Wooyoung just followed her body with his eyes at all times. When she was in front of the door, she turned to the boy and kept her eyes on him. For some reason, she did not know how to say goodbye to him; it was strange to have to.

See you? Take care of yourself?
No one was used to it, but she did not want to leave just like that.

However, seeing her mind start to get complicated, Wooyoung smiled and winked at her. Y/N smiled equally, knowing that they both understood; they needed nothing more than that look.

And then she left.

She immediately directed her course towards the address that her best friend had previously sent her. Christina would be the one in charge of taking the birthday boy to his own surprise party; nothing could go wrong.

And, indeed, it was just like that.

J.C was always telling them about how much he enjoyed science fiction movies and how amazing it must be to be around laser technology and computer effects in real life. That is why, with some work, Sam found a war center with laser guns and, of course, he did not hesitate to propose it to Y/N and Chris to celebrate their friend's birthday.

As soon as the girl arrived at the place, she found her best friend waiting for her as soon as she entered the place.

"You arrived..."

"On time." Y/N interrupted him with a raised eyebrow and a mocking smile, showing him the chat where they had agreed on the time.

Samuel narrowed his eyes and shook his head slowly, then his expression completely changed and a smile appeared on his face. Then, they both looked around, appreciating the great place where they were, in which there was nothing but black walls.

"An administration girl said she'd come as soon as the others arrived." Sam did not hesitate to explain as soon as he saw the confusion in Y/N's expression. He then took a closer look at where they were and nodded, pointing. "There. I guess we have to go through that door to start... the war."

Y/N endured a small laugh when seeing the emotion of her friend when saying that last word, and rolled her eyes for a few seconds. Maybe J.C would not be the only little boy that day.

It was only a few minutes before they both received a text from Chris. Instantly, they shared a look, and knew it was time.

Quickly, they positioned themselves in front of the main entrance with an innocent smile on their faces and waited for Chris to enter along with a disoriented J.C, who was walking blindfolded. When that happened, they both greeted the girl silently and waited a few seconds, coordinating between looks.

"Happy Birthday!" the three shouted in unison as soon as Chris removed the blindfold from the boy's eyes.

J.C froze immediately, taking in the image in front of him. He did not say anything at all, just watched them with a confused expression as Y/N and Sam kept their eyes on him.

"...do you think he's upset that we didn't attend...?"

Before the girl could finish her question under her breath, J.C walked up to them with a serious expression.

"I think we're dead", she heard Sam.

Their expressions changed radically as soon as J.C approached them, however, when his arms carefully wrapped around them in a hug, they both breathed again.

"I hate you, I thought I wouldn't see you today." J.C murmured as he broke the hug and watched them with a smile. "You two rarely miss classes and, just today-!"

"Sorry," Sam chuckled. "If it makes you feel better..."

"You can give them what they deserve now," Chris chimed in, finishing the sentence.

J.C turned to her with a frown, clearly unconcerned.

"Oh yeah," Samuel caught the boy's attention. "In a war."

"A war?"

"Well, a battle."

It was then that J.C looked around.

"Where are...?"

"WE WILL HAVE A BATTLE WITH LASERS!" Sam showed his excitement.

At that moment, the eyes of the celebrated one lit up with childish joy. Christina and Y/N shared a look, a second before both excited children ran to the entrance of the battlefield to be divided into teams and armed later; in short, they had lost them.

"Well... he seems to love his party so far."

Y/N laughed lightly at Chris' words, and walked with her after the boys.

It took about three hours for the game to end. Samuel and J.C could not get enough, and because of that, they ended up creating infinite rounds by rearranging the members of each team. However, even good things came to an end.

"I think we all agree that the best team was J.C.'s with me," Sam boasted.

"Of course... Being just the two of you against us... The war lasted barely five seconds."

Y/N let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes.

"But hey," she chimed in, "that doesn't change the fact that the best team battle was when you guys," she pointed to Chris and J.C., "were up against us."

"Without a doubt." Her best friend supported him. "That was intense."

The boys then continued to laugh and reminisce about scenarios that had happened literally minutes ago as they walked down the sidewalk.

"Do you want to come to my place?" J.C asked when the four of them had reached the corner.

"How about in a few hours?" Sam suggested, gaining everyone's attention. "I must go to finish some papers to validate all the documentation of the exchange. Well, the date is coming up, and I can't keep putting it off."

"Yeah, I should change my clothes," Chris added, letting out a laugh. "I hadn't planned on running from two kids thirsty for laser kills for more than two hours."

The boys laughed with some guilt and shrugged their shoulders, later getting rid of any responsibility in this regard.

"In a few hours then," J.C. decided. "At seven?"

Immediately, everyone nodded, defining the time of their new meeting and saying goodbye; they were in the exact spot for their paths to diverge.

"I'll bring cake," Y/N said by way of farewell.

"Chocolate!" Sam yelled as he walked away.

The girl just shook her head, amused, and continued on her way. She made sure to walk in the direction of her apartment until none of her friends could see her, and then changed her direction towards Wooyoung's place.

Despite having spent her day with her friends, creating new memories and laughing at all times, there was something that caused Jung to come back to her mind from time to time. Perhaps it was his look, or the confident smile on his face, or the way his hands continually drew her to his body when she was close... And there she was; that smile did not fail to return again and again.

However, when she was only a block away from the place, her smile vanished. From there she could appreciate the enormous house of the boy. Now with two police cars parked in front.

The door of the house was open, and two officers seemed to report by radio the progress of an operation, while the other two took the boy out of the house, escorting him to the vehicle.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now