{Chapter Sixteen}

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______"I'll be you're friend in the daylight again/ There we will be, like an old enemy Like the salt and the sea" - Salt and the Sea (The Lumineers) ______

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"I'll be you're friend in the daylight again/ There we will be, like an old enemy
Like the salt and the sea"
- Salt and the Sea (The Lumineers)


ARYA FELT LIKE SHE HAD ONLY BEEN OUT MINUTES. Once she realized that her current resting place was the middle of the sparring arena back at camp, she came to the conclusion that it must have been far longer. An extreme and comforting warmth was surrounding her coming from Mrs. O'Leary who had curled into a ball to cover the girl. Arya wanted to stay there an never ever move. That's how she knew she had to get up.

The sun was well in the air although that meant nothing to her since she didn't see the sun in the Labyrinth. Once Arya wiggled her way out of the giant hellhound, she saw two familiar figures in each other's arms against the wall of the ring they were in. Charles and Selina. Her first thought was to gag at the two of them like they all did when the couple got touchy. Then she realized there was a pain in her chest, right where her heart was. Everything that happened on mount Tam resurfaced all at once and Arya found breathing to become much more of a challenge, like she had just been punched in the stomach. Her feet betrayed her and stumbled forward, kicking up some of the dirt.

This caused the two love birds to notice her and scramble to there feet, making their way over to her.

"How long have I been out?" She asked them, not waiting for 'hellos' or questions of concern.

"No idea. 10 hours since you've been at camp, no idea how long you were on her back, but she wouldn't let anyone come near you." Charles answered, eyes glancing over at the hellhound with offense. Charles was the only other person Mrs. O'Leary got along with and even she wouldn't let him near.

Arya cast her eyes down to the ground at the information she learned. Something was off, she should have had a Kronos fueled nightmare, especially with how long she was out. She should have woken up in terror. Yet, here she was, feeling more refreshed than she had in days on a physical level, mentally not so much.

"I need to see Chiron." Arya spoke out loud, looking back up at the happy couple.

When she saw the looks on their faces, mouths halfway through forming words, she realized that they had been asking her questions she hadn't been paying attention to, and interrupted them. She only felt a little sorry, she knew they were trying to understand what had happened but Arya had far more important matters to deal with.

Seline was the one who told her that Chiron was in a meeting with the nymphs about battle plans, and offered to take her to him. Arya agreed and followed the girl without a word, even if Arya wanted to talk, she wouldn't know what to say.

As they made their way through camp everyone they passed stopped to look, it didn't take long for the whispers to start, wondering why Arya was back, asking where the others were. Arya had to crack her knuckles to stop her from yelling at them, they weren't worth the energy. She had to remind herself they meant no harm. She shouldn't be as on edge as she was.

Decisiveness & Terror// [Percy Jackson OC]//Book 4Where stories live. Discover now