{Chapter One}

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"All this doubt is creepin' in/ Inside out I shed my skin
Can you hear the drumming?/There's a revolution coming"
- Revolution, The Score



THINGS HAD BEEN TENSE on Olympus since the Winter Solstice, each god sent out to do their own thing in order to prevent Kronos' army from growing. Other than Zeus, no god stayed in Olympus longer than a few minutes to discuss their progress with the god in charge.

To Apollo's content when he flashed into his throne in the room, both Posiedon and Zeus were in the middle of a conversation about the ancient sea gods that are rising, and his inability to sink the traitor boys cruise ship due to the protection of Kronos' magic.

Apollo listened in, turning in his chair so that his legs were hanging over the armrest and his back was against the other one. He summoned his lyre and messed around with the strings, his feet kicked back and forth while he waited for his father and uncle to finish their conversation.

"I have never struggled so much taking something down in my territory. I am starting to think the best way to destroy it is from the inside." Posiedon explained, not indicating that he had even seen Apollo enter.

"Let camp know, send some of those kids on a quest to take it down. Who's kids haven't gotten a chance in a while?"

"Mine." Apollo spoke up. Not bothering to look over at his family.

"We will get to you in a minute." Zeus said pointedly.

"I don't want to send those kids out yet, it could be dangerous and we need all of them alive as we can get them. Give me some more time with it, and I will see what I can do." Poseidon responded.

Zeus hummed in response before sending his brother away. Apollo knew he needed to speak up before he left.

"This is the first conversation I've heard in years between you two that didn't end up with war threats."

"Just because you appear as a teenager doesn't mean you need to act like one!" Zeus snapped at his son's side handed comments.

"That's exactly why I chose to be a teenager," Apollo said, standing up and making his lyre disappear. Making his way to the center of the room with his uncle. "So that I don't have to act like there's a stick up my ass like the rest of you."

Posiedon covered his obvious laugh with a cough, when Zues' eyes flashed with lightning, enraged at his son's immaturity.

"Brother you've come here to say you're peace, now leave." Zeus said, warning in his tone.

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